How To Factory Reset Iphone Without Itunes Video
How To Factory Reset Iphone Without Itunes Video Transcript
how's it going of yours thank you guysfor watching this video in this video
we'll be showing us how to do a hard
reset on an iPhone 7 plus the iPhone 7 7
plus works similar it's the same exact
way if you are doing this to clear your
phone or reset it to factory settings
and you have access to your phone to get
inside the phone and go through settings
and who set it I strongly recommend
doing a factory reset it is a lot easier
less problems that way the hard reset is
recommended for doing resets if the
phone has is disabled or if it's got a
passcode on it that you have forgotten
so before we get started I would like to
just kind of recommend getting the
latest version of iTunes that will kind
of help take away any kind of problems
any errors that might pop up later on so
if you're trying to do this to get error
messages try upload updating your iTunes
make sure you have the latest version of
iTunes and some errors also pop up
because you have a cable that is not
working correctly so changing that out
might help solve some the problems as
well so I'm going to go ahead and start
off with showing you guys that the
iPhone is disabled this this one is
disabled asks connect to itunes so if
you're doing the reset it is slightly
different here on new phones because the
home button it used to be the power in
the home button the home button is no
longer a button it is a sensor so it
does not work that way so we're gonna
want to start off by powering off the
device and right here we can go ahead
and slide to power off next thing you're
gonna want to have is have a computer or
a laptop that has iTunes on it and
access to the Internet it doesn't matter
what brand or if it's a laptop or a
computer as long as you have iTunes with
internet the next thing we want to do is
hook up our phone to that computer or
laptop with your charging cable and then
once you have all that set what we're
gonna want to do is first hit the power
button hold it for three seconds and
then simultaneously click the volume
down button once we have that going
after 10 seconds we will release the
power button and continue holding the
volume down button until an error pops
up here on our itunes screen
so I'm going to go ahead and start the
soft power button three two one add the
volume down button nine eight seven six
five four three two one zero
release the power button continue
holding the volume down button and we'll
be waiting for an air to pop up right
there and once it pops up you can then
release it and remove your hands from
the device and we're gonna be moving
over to the itunes screen it says iTunes
has detected an iPhone in recovery mode
you must restore this iPhone before it
can be used with iTunes you can go ahead
and hit OK and it gives us our phones in
recovery mode if you're experiencing
problems with your iPhone you can
restore it it's settings restored
settings original settings by clicking
the restore iPhone so we'll go ahead and
select restore iphone and SKUs are you
sure you want to erase your phone
everything will be deleted yes we can go
ahead restore and update it talks about
the iPhone software update ten point two
point one select next terms in agreement
we can just go ahead and agree and as
you can see right over here it is
starting to download stuff for the
iPhone right up there it has the little
clock that's spinning under the download
symbol so as it's downloading this
information I would just like to take a
second and let you guys know that the
time that it takes to update and restore
everything there's a lot of variables
that play into it your version of iTunes
it might be updating your iTunes might
and then if the phone was an older iOS
or operating system it'll be updating
that as well so that takes more time if
you have slower internet connection now
will add also add time to it to make it
the process longer in this case I'm not
sure what iOS is on this device I just
go ahead and crop this just to make sure
you guys are getting everything you guys
need to see and all the download upload
stuff is cut to a minimum so
so here it is it is still up loading
some of them some of the items will have
little bars showing you the progress
seeing how far it is mine on this iTunes
version all you got to do is click on it
here and it shows you that downloads
iPhone software update 2.3 three out of
two point four gigabytes about three
minutes remaining so that is just a
little bit to show you how how fast it
takes or how long it's gonna take so
that way you could plug it in let it
update while you go do something else
and at this time I just also like to
take a second and say that if you found
a phone or you stole a phone and you're
trying to do a hard reset because the
previous owner had his information in
there the phone will be activation
locked I'll show you what that will look
like farther on in the video
towards the end you'll be able to see it
and I will kind of explain it to show
you that you need the old Apple ID
password to get in so this will not
remove the Apple ID that is on the phone
that stays on the phone
that's a anti-theft security feature put
in by Apple um so there's no way I
haven't found a way to safely bypass it
there are other people that claim they
have I've tried several different
methods I have not found anything the
only thing there's little jailbreak type
of things that only let you use the
phone partially so if you're buying a
phone off eBay make sure the IMEI is
clean make sure that everything is
cleared off and there are no iTune
accounts or the Apple ID accounts
attached to that phone make sure
everything is cleared tell the owner to
wipe that and get it completely out of
there and so here we are last few
seconds of the uploads processing the
file it's completed everything
so it looks like we are done with the
update and now it is extracting software
off the iPhone as you guys can see the
toolbar has now moved now we are up here
and shown that we are extracting
software so at this point its removing
everything off your device any pictures
contacts any kind of data will be wiped
off everything I'm excluding the carrier
this will not unlock the carrier won't
remove it so if you're on with fries and
you can't take it over 80 unless the
phone is a factory unlocked to start
with so now it's moving on to preparing
iPhone for restore waiting for iPhone
and house preparing iPhone for restore
the Apple logo has appeared on the
iPhone and at this point we are seeing
the power bar over here kind of fill up
on the phone as long as it's verifying
restoring firmware software all that
kind of stuff it's getting everything
back up to date
clerical clearing all the old stuff off
the phone and uploading the newest iOS
up onto the device and getting it to
that factory mode so there we have it
everything just kind of flashed
everything seemed to have uploaded all
the way you guys can see that there is
nothing going on with the device here
itself and now the device is starting up
so at this point I will keep it
connected and we'll just keep an eye
here on the device
we're gonna go ahead and let this load
up get it go to get it to go all the way
it loaded up all the way and it has
turned on and here we are we are at the
activation lock screen so here's how
this works if this phone is lost or
stolen it is asking for this iPhone is
linked to an Apple ID enter the Apple ID
and password that were used to set up
this phone so whatever is signed in on
the phone at the time you will need to
enter it in it gives you what the letter
starts with and at so if
this was your phone you would know what
what it is what the email that you used
to activate the phone so you'd be able
to type that in and add the password if
you forgot your password you can click
it reset it there are multiple ways to
reset it or restore it get it to get it
to factory settings so at this point
everything is wiped off the phone but it
is not set up that is still locked and
your not able to activate this phone
unless the activation lock is removed
you might say well I'm just gonna go
ahead into the phone and start the phone
up I'm gonna go ahead start up for you
guys I'm gonna go with English United
States it's gonna ask you if you want to
use a Wi-Fi network I'm just gonna go
ahead and use the Wi-Fi network that I
have here I'm gonna go ahead and type in
my past so there we go I got my password
typed in I'm just gonna go ahead hit
join and this is just part of the I
guess setup process or the startup
process for the iPhone I'm so it's
saying it may take a few minutes to
activate your iPhone if you don't have a
SIM card in there it will not let you
activate it and it comes right back here
to the activation lock screen so it's
saying hey you know on the itunes
computer the iPhone and iTunes sync up
they're saying that this phone has an I
an iCloud account or iTunes signed in on
it and go ahead and remove it so if it
is yours you can go ahead and type your
information in and it will reset it will
take it down to the home screen home
settings if it's not your phone if you
stole it found it this is what you get
the phone turns into a paperweight it's
not really used not very useful for
anything else so that is how you do the
hard reset on an iPhone
seven it's the same way for the iPhone 7
plus if you guys have any comments
questions or concerns go ahead and drop
them in the comment section below if you
found this video helpful go ahead and
give me a thumbs up
go ahead someone's having a problem with
this you can share this with them let
them know there is a solution for it let
them check it out and if you guys are
saying hey you haven't finished the
video you didn't get it to the home
screen if it was your phone and you type
in the Apple ID information the password
it will take you to the new phone you
can set up as a new device and it will
be cleared nothing will be on it and at
that point you could sell it
trade it do whatever you got to do with
it to get it out of your hands so that's
all I got for you guys in this one thank
you guys for watching thanks for
watching have a nice day