How To Test O2 Sensors Video
How To Test O2 Sensors Video Transcript
all right today's video failing andpassing California smog tests drive a
1974 vehicle or older if you live in
California so you don't have to go
through this crap that's the worst part
about being a car guy in California or
just driving a damn car in California
the smog test every two years it's very
stressful is my car gonna pass in this
case my 1992 Ford Econoline
did not pass so hopefully this helps out
people with a non ob2 vehicle 1975 to
1995 you don't have a ob2 port so I hope
this helps somebody out 12 17 2016 I
engine rpm not stable took my van to a
shop I hate taking my vehicles to a shop
but I can't blind fix my van I need a
pass smog so they said I had an air leak
so they did that they fixed it I got my
free retest engine rpm not stable again
this is 225 this shop took freaking
forever engine rpm not stable
unable to stabilize vehicle aborted test
so there you go
there's money down the toilet right
there so I said fuck it in California we
have this thing called a star station
smog star station star stations are
supposed to fix your failed vehicle so I
went to a star station and I talked to
the guy I said listen can you please fix
my van so that it passes don't fix it
and say this is it
then it fails then we put more money
into it fix it it fails again I said
just please fix it so it passes
I just want my van to pass so I could
register it and drive it again
and hey they fixed it so this is what
happened different smog test this is the
guys who failed me this is the guys who
helped me out so here we go they were
actually able to get a reading so here's
where I failed
hc' measured his 95 maxes 77 so failed
pretty bad their CEO 1.59 max allowed is
point 58 so I filled pretty badly there
so what happened was okay so if you fail
due to this and fail due to a engine rpm
not stable what they did was they fixed
the they replaced the o2 sensor the o2
sensor was seized on to my exhaust pipe
my vans 20 years old older 1992 24 years
old something like that so they cut out
a piece of pipe welded on a new piece of
pipe re RIA retreaded the o2 sensor so
they did that they adjusted the timing
they said the timing was way off and I
believe that's it and I passed so here's
the pass numbers right here okay HC max
allowed is 77 I got a 60 and then going
to one this is 15 miles per hour this is
now going 22 miles per hour 25 miles per
hour 6336 did well they're a CO it's a
zero so yeah my vans cleaner than a
Prius NO max is 970 measured is 961 that
was a close one right there and then
8:30 and 670 at 25 miles per hour those
are the averages right here my van is a
high E mater vehicle because it's a van
and it's a 92 so there you go Oh to
sensor timing so if you fail your smog
and you want to blind fix it I did not
want to blind fix this
I needed my van and I miss my van it's
been sitting and I want to drive it
around again so yeah if you want to
attempt the blind fix Oh to sensor
timings so ignition system like new
spark plugs new spark plug wires so
hopefully that helps you guys out in my
case it was the o2 sensor probably and
the timing he said the timing was way
off so you know it was all ignition with
me there you have it all right everyone
kick ass be safe and take it one reason
of many that I hate going to a mechanic
going to a shop is this sanitizer wipe
on the steering wheel that's nasty man
seriously you know I know mechanics
hands get dirty I like to work on my own
cars but uh you know when you're moving
someone's car wash your hands wear wear
gloves I mean these guys did a great job
I'm just a car OCD guy and that best