How To Play Bm On Guitar Video
How To Play Bm On Guitar Video Transcript
hey everybody music part 1103 here we'regonna be doing a bar chord of B minor
and how you do that is you put your capo
on the 2nd fret with an a minor shape
you make your a minor shape right next
door and the chord sounds like this
and with an E minor shape you bring your
capo up to the seventh fret and make
your Iman or shape on the ninth fret and
the chord will sound like this
that's a barre chord version of B minor
hi welcome to another Bailey just guitar
tutorial last lesson we talked about
necks notes and keys but this tutorial
we are going to talk about a simple B
minor pentatonic scale scales are very
important part of the guitar for
instance you can use them to play any
song if you know what kids in and you
can use them for sewing and improvise me
can use them also for things called Lex
now legs are very important part as well
because they ensure nope sequences that
can be used to fill in the parts missing
as I'm singing for example okay so the
first step to finding this B minor
pentatonic scale we need to find where
it played on the neck so we know that
when we play the top string open it's an
e like so with a first friend to f sharp
g g sharp 5th fret is a six-foot a sharp
in 7th fret B ok so now we know that in
the 7th fret is big and that is where we
begin the scale so our first note we
play is on san fran string then we play
the 10th fret e string on the a string
we move down to a separate and then to
the night friend next we play the 7th
fret 3rd string and the 9th fret so it's
true then we move down to the 4th string
and play the 7th fret
and then to the night Fred again then we
move down just fifth string and play the
Sun fret then on to the 10th fret and
then down to the last string which is
sixth string and play itself in the
tenth row ok so now we have fitted out
scale and figure out that once we have
gone down the strings we have to come
back up now I'm going to play this scale
in order from start to finish and show
you how it's done if you have a guitar
with you feel free to join now you have
lines simple scale you can go away and
create licks and practice improvisation
all you have to know is this scale shape
and the key that the song is this scale
can be played in any fret depending on
the key of the song i encourage you to
go away and practice because a skill
like this doesn't come straight away
next video we're going to talk about
creating licks which is lots of fun