How To Get Rid Of Timeshares Video
How To Get Rid Of Timeshares Video Transcript
what's good YouTube and life it's allknowing I living out feeling all-seeing
all-powerful just damn all everything
sex is hell host and I will be
introducing y'all to my former stripper
during this video trying to bring you
guys a life gain and money-saving Oh
while we're playing Wolfenstein 2 demo
game is coming out real soon go get this
one if you're a gamer for those of you
that are here for the information enjoy
the wonderful background of this game
cuz it's full of stuff and another point
I'm not a first-person guy so don't
laugh at how terrible my shooting is
going to be just throw that out there
okay so we're talking about timeshares
ladies and gentlemen people are try to
sell you on the fact that they are an
investment that is a complete
fabrication of the truth and if you've
already got one damn and I hate to tell
you the truth but your stuff so let me
tell you a little story about young me
back in my day when I was trying to
impress the ladies you know somebody
gave me this little card well you pay
$99 you can go and visit this place in
Orlando for 3 days and 2 nights
something like that but it was a pitch
for timeshare and you know me being the
Macan guy was I found me a little
sweetie pie I took it down there and
they razzle and dad's with me right out
of my underwear and I got stuck with the
timeshare that was 5,000 dollars and if
you pay the minimum it went to $25,000
number one my young people watching this
do not buy a timeshare for that very
reason if you pay the minimums on it
you're gonna wind up paying quadruple
what the timeshare cost but first and
foremost you don't need to buy the
timeshare because what you pay for the
timeshare even if you pay the minimum
five thousand dollars you could wind up
just saving up about a grand take that
money and that would be your roundtrip
pretty much
where you want to go continental United
States number two if you do get the
timeshare and you keep it and you enjoy
you have no control over them raising
maintenance and tax fees every year so
the timeshare I bought in 2007
maintenance and taxes was 395 here it is
2017 they just sent my ass a bill for a
thousand dollars
I mean like what the hell man jeez you
do not need a timeshare ladies and
gentlemen and so what I thought I was
going when they suck at me I thought I
was big balling shotcalling front of my
sweetiepie I took down there and why we
was in the time Sheriff she got me so
mess though I introduced her to my
stripper name which is mr. go-to deep
that's my stripper name for those y'all
that happen to give it you know what my
stripper name is mister into deep and I
am definitely into deep on this time
Sheriff so let's say you got one what do
you do to get rid of it there's all
these companies that swear they can get
the timeshare off your hands and I'm
here to tell you all those are pure tea
scams and lies lies I tell you are lies
the only way you can get rid of a
timeshare traditionally is to give it
someone who's gonna sign over and take
it you can try giving it to a nonprofit
organization but now sometimes share
organizations don't even allow you to do
that because they're not gonna get their
revenue back on some of those
maintenance and fees because it's a
nonprofit organization taking it over I
would have to say the number one
strategy I've used to get one get rid of
one of the timeshare as I had would be
when you go to your timeshare make sure
you use it go down there one weekend and
when you see all those people attempting
to buy a new timeshare you pull them to
the side and say hey my brother from
another and I don't care if they black
or white or what they still gonna be
your brother from another on this day
cuz you want to get rid of this time
shirt you say eh my brother from another
why spend all this money buying this
timeshare when I got one that I give you
four five
hundred dollars and they're gonna look
at you like man what's wrong with you
you crazy and you just tell them the
honest truth you've enjoyed it
you've had your luxury out of it you
don't want to deal with the maintenance
fees that come each month and tell them
you'll give it to them five hundred
dollars and if you really want to get
rid of it bad enough for your
maintenance fees are too high you just
give it to him they might think it's too
good to be true but you can sign that
paperwork they can take it and all they
have to do is deal with the maintenance
and fees ladies and gentlemen it is not
worth you getting that piece of trash
timeshare and you have no control over
how they raise the fees year to year
there has not been a year I've had this
timeshare and they haven't raised the
fees so in all honesty a timeshare is
definitely not an investment
don't let anyone talk you into thinking
that it's an investment
next a timeshare is something you can't
get rid of really unless you pass it
along you kick the bucket or you sign it
over to someone
do not get taken for a ride by those
companies that promise you I'll help you
get rid of your timeshare I'm a legal
team can get rid of your time shirt it
is all bull shit and don't you sit in it
and rub it on your face I'm trying to
help y'all save this money this China is
about bringing together all the parts of
life to give you an ultimate life game
that goes so much further beyond
streaming entertainment because the way
you accumulate well if you spin below
your means avoid scams and ripoff and
you invest in your future and that's
what this channel is all about and
that's going to do it for this video
don't forget to like my video comment
and subscribe go out there get yourself
a life game leave me a comment below if
you own a timeshare or you've had one
have you been to one of those timeshare
little seminar where they try to get you
to buy a timeshare tell me how you said
no or if you bought one and if you're
trying to get rid of it try my strategy
and let me know what you think about
this demo this is Wolfenstein 2 Colossus
coming out
oonh y'all get to see me doing my little
first person thing as terrible as it may
be and until the net sexy as hell video
I'll see you
enjoy the content on my channel please
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