How To Get Rid Of Timeshare

How To Get Rid Of Timeshare Video

How To Get Rid Of Timeshare Video Transcript

hi guys hello welcome so if you're
looking to get rid of your timeshare I
think you'll find this video interesting
because I'm going to explain why
selling why trying to sell your
timeshare is a huge huge mistake for the
vast majority of people including a far
better alternative than a lot of people
don't even know about alright so again
this is Jason from how to get rid of a
timeshare dot info now thanks to all
those who are joining me again on this
video I've shot some other ones and if
you're joining me here again I think
they're funds for useful too so let's
how to get rid of timeshare
jump right into it I am here on eBay so
if you sit in the front of your site you
can follow along hopefully you can see
my purse or up there
right there highlighting I have on eBay
ok the website now the number one thing
that enters your mind you're trying to
get rid of your timeshare is selling it
you want to recoup your money you got
scammed into buying and I don't care if
you own it for twenty ten something you
don't know for a couple of years it
doesn't really matter the vast majority
you in your mind you feel you've got
scammed into buying it so you're pissed
how to get rid of timeshare
off your fees are going up they never
end and you're just wondering how the
hell do I stop okay how do I get out
what I need to do and the vast majority
people talk about selling ok I'll show
you my selling is a big mistake I'm on
eBay now so let's see what the most
buyers do well
most buyers have timeshares okay now
it's a small segment of the population
they'll come to websites like eBay
because they know ok and this is why
this is why they come here they know
that people basically try to give
timeshares away so I'll come to eBay I
how to get rid of timeshare
will type in something like timeshares
or sale which is a common phrase ok now
you can type along hopefully you're
doing it I'm sure is for sale in eBay
and what pops up scrolling scrolling
list of time
for sale this is just one website you
can look off Craigslist you can do on a
bunch of other websites everybody knows
that people try to sell their timeshare
but what most owners of timeshares were
desperate to get out of them do not know
is that people can't even give them away
okay so let's take an example up here
okay now most of all lists for those who
how to get rid of timeshare
don't know on ebay they will list their
timeshare and the listing act in a bid
okay so we'll start basically in a
bidding war for their time sure they'll
try it I'll try to get bids in our time
sure so this one has two bids since it
was listed okay and as two days laughs
at Russells Sunday as two bids for $100
okay $100 that's the highest bid for
this timeshare all right a lot of people
say oh yeah well there Chuck well no
they're not they're actually very nice
okay here's a Hilton grand
all right here's Marco Island beautiful
spot come down I'm not going to go
how to get rid of timeshare
through all the details you can run
through them two beds two baths okay
oceanfront beachfront you name it has it
and we come down annual maintenance fees
a practice trust me eleven hundred and
sixty three dollars annually okay for
this property and you're probably
getting like a week's lot or something
like that or who knows so the bottom
line is this very nice timeshare high
maintenance fees all right these people
are trying to basically see what they
can get for a bid in the highest but is
100 bucks why you know why for the same
reason you want out nobody wants to pay
how to get rid of timeshare
maintenance fees to vacation that is
just ridiculous I come down here's
another really nice one Westgate
vacation villas Orlando ten bids fifty
five cents and I can look at this I
won't get into too many details I mean
you can do your own research don't
listen to a word I say a lot of people
feel v is full of shit but
what not trying to please anybody do
your own research
nothing I say here is intended to be
legal advice at all see this was the
Westgate vacation villas gorgeous
property okay in Orlando gorgeous come
how to get rid of timeshare
down you can read her bid 55 cents 55
cents let's come down let's see what we
got here I don't know if they'll tell us
what the maintenance fees are on this
property hey let's see so there's a
better alternative this guy's with a far
better alternative to selling far better
they're not gonna tell us what the
maintenance feets are here I'm not
seeing them so you can get your own
research but the point is they really
can't even give them away and I can
scroll down all right and there's a nice
Wyndham bonnet creek $310 that's the
highest bid 11 bids
how to get rid of timeshare
okay these people probably paid 10 20
grand for this who really knows what
they paid to get into it but it was
probably a fortune here's two very nice
ones 26 bids 102 dollars is only the
highest bid this one's got twenty-five
dollars out of nine bins okay if you
want to see what the property looks like
now the mass majority people quite
frankly the vast majority of plants your
owners probably have something similar
to this nothing special
nice nice timeshare lighting a Beach
Oceanfront timeshares okay
standard standard things whatever you
think of those nice vacation places okay
this one even has oh what are the
maintenance fees on this one monthly
maintenance fee is $24 they still can't
even hardly give it away
so I guess strolling on the point is
simple most sellers in their mind
believe they have something
that's worth a fortune or worse yet they
believe they need to recoup their
investment they believe they need to
recoup their investment I think I just
run a Dave Dave Ramsey I think that's
who rolled out of clothes he says the
worst thing you can believe is that
you're ever going to recoup your
investment out of your time shoe but
they'll come here and here's what
they'll do they'll come here they think
they got something great they'll listen
for $5,000 that's probably just a
portion of what they spent hoping it'll
never sell there's only ten people
watching it nobody's gonna buy it the
first bid you see they're just watching
on the first bid the first bid you see
will probably be 10 bucks for the
property so the point is everybody's got
them this page goes on and on and on all
right these are 50 listings I can run
through hundreds probably a thousand
pages on this website of listings so why
would somebody buy your timeshare for
what you have into it let's say you pet
you paid 5 10 15 even $20,000 for your
timeshare when I can come here and if I
really want to get into the timeshare I
can essentially get it for free all
right I can bid on the price I can get
it for a substantially lower price and
that's the mistake most times your
owners make or desperate to get rid of
them all right
or worse yeah I'll try to list them with
a listing company and so you'll pay a
five hundred to a thousand dollar
listing fee for for them to market your
timeshare because quote what they always
say we have buyers standing by buyers
interested all that means is that they
slap your your timeshare some photos up
on a website and they drive traffic to
the website and they've quote fulfilled
their marketing obligation just read the
fine print
okay of the contract that's all it means
which is why in a year when it doesn't
sell they'll come back to you and
they'll tell you oh well we got somebody
again and then you pay him again and
that's just simply the scam that's a
scam getting out of your timeshare you
got scam to get in most people get
scammed on the way out all right so
what's the alternative what the hell do
you do all right
what's a similar solution
while there's other solutions and again
do your research but what I believe in
is timeshare transfer transferring
simply means removing your name from the
title that's all it means
all right now I have to be careful
because it certainly won't apply in
every instance and you need to consult
qualified legal counsel but over 90% of
the time in my opinion it is going to be
far faster you're going to save a lot
more money than if you try to sell it
all right a lot more money because
you're not gonna have listing fees
you're not gonna the time and vested and
involved and you're not gonna keep
dragging out the sale so you're gonna
keep paying maintenance fees if that
thing doesn't sell
all right whereas transferring it it's
gone alright so that is the alternative
that's what most people should be
looking at and most wheels should be
researching instead of trying to sell
now here's the catch it will make you no
you're not going to make a dime so my

How To Get Rid Of Timeshare Related Keywords

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