How To Get Marker Off Of Skin Video
How To Get Marker Off Of Skin Video Transcript
hey guys I'm just doing a remake of thathow to get permanent marker off skin
easily that video took quite long this
will not so I have already written on my
arm with permanent marker you can see
right there permanent and all you need
is shower gel and it's off so I just
have a plastic little utensil here and
I'm going to rub it all off so this may
take quite a lot but as you can see it's
coming off compared to the rest of it
now the other mark the other video I
used a sharpie permanent marker and it
came off much faster this of course I've
already gone through a minute I've only
got that much off but that does prove
shower gel does work for getting it off
because as you can see not permanent if
it's coming off thanks for watching
so today as you can see by the lakum old
title here if you just click on the
screen so like click on my head or
something it will show this little tab
here and by the title you know what this
video is about how to remove marker
easily off skin so how I'm going to do
this today is using an expo marker sorry
there you go an expo marker it will go
on to my skin and using my left hand
this is my left hand do you guys it
might look like my right hand but no
it's my left hand so here on my hand I'm
just going to color so that you can see
easily here I'm just going to close up
and color on my skin very very dark
coloring on my skin okay
so that's all there right and it's very
very dark as you can see from far away
it looks very very dark and I'm just
going to put some darker inlining on
there well you guys can clip to the next
video that's going to pop up in like two
seconds while I'm doing this which
actually takes about 30 seconds see it
just clipped to the next video for you
guys but for me it took a bit 30 seconds
to get this darker and I'm just gonna
let that dry for another about 30
seconds and then you notice oh it's
still there
but mommy wants me for supper uh-oh
she's gonna get me in so much trouble so
then you're gonna need to get it off but
can't do that so these are some
household items that you can use to
easily get marker off of skin any
colored skin the main household item
you will need is $0.10 a shower gel and
in French there if you need to see it is
the Rose smell and it is made by Al pen
now al pen secrets is a very good shower
gel my sister gets a reaction to it and
it gets itchy but I mean that's just
some people different it doesn't make me
itchy so I'm going to use that on the
marker okay so you are going to need a
mixing tool which I have this plastic
rainbowloom pull thing were you unleash
it and then I have this modeling clay
that I was going to use but I didn't and
it dried out so that's a bit like just
squishy kind of like a just squishy hard
substance so I'm going to use that and
it's white and absorbs a lot of things
so it will show up in the mixing process
on my skin or use your finger but it
gets messy so as you can see here I'm
opening the shower gel and then if you
have it high enough you can just stick
it in there but I don't so I'm just
going to pour it towards you guys and
dip that in there and then just put it
down yes I'm on my bed so now here you
just want to do that and it comes off
really easily and then I'm going to use
a sharpie and see how that works and if
it works the same great if it doesn't
we'll have to see what that turns out to
be like
okay so as you can see it's rubbed in a
bit and that's fine and this looks like
this so you just want to rub that on
your other hand and it absorbs all of
the colors see and I just rubbed it up
and down across my hand and it absorbed
mote most of the color see so both hands
are clean but the backside is still like
this so what you want to do here is get
a bigger mixing tool or use the same
mixing tool and just shake it down but
for this I'm going to use my fingers
because it absorbs into my fingers and
my skin much more quickly so I just want
to rub that around like moisturizer and
then and just keep mixing it in so up
and down
such side rotation and soon enough
you'll be gone now your mixing tool you
can just wash off or mix it into your
skin for more moisturizer but now I'm
going to do a test on sharpie doing the
exact same things I just did and let me
show you some of the results okay so I
have done some testing in my little
journal here as you can see here and
here it's a mini journal and I've done a
black test and a blue test over here so
that we could see if it went through the
paper like a normal one and it did so
now onto the testing which wouldn't be a
fair test if I did it right over top of
this same area I did the green one so
I'm going to do the black one down here
actually on this side the black one here
and the blue one here okay and I'm going
to write that down
one thing I forgot to mention it's that
on the other side the blue seemed to go
through more than the black will that
change anything on my precious skin I
don't know
let's see now as you can see over at the
blue one it's already
like spreading like that that little
veins there and on the black one it
isn't it's just normal see let's get
that unfocus there so they might turn
out different it wouldn't be fair to use
the same mixing tool because it is
colored and has already been used so I'm
not gonna use this so I'm going to use
this to mix them all in and you see
they're sharpies they're not coming off
not with nothing nothing has come off so
now I'm gonna go on to the shower gel
and just doused that in there like you
guys would and take it out so I'm going
to use this shower shower I have here
and put on black lock this laptop right
here and you can just mix it in and see
if it does anything hopefully that's
what it does I'd see sharpies are not
indestructible so look at this it's
coming off and everything's working out
I'm just gonna do the same for the blue
one once I finish with a black one and
oh my gosh I'm so close efficient
alright and it's been
luckily 30 seconds um got on my timer at
least on your guys timer it will have
been 30 seconds a minute how this is
going in speed mode oh my gosh coming
off so if I just do this a bit more off
and ready to process and get this shower
gel goop off anyways see ya after the
blue one dohno is gonna represent right
here and it'll only take short on time
and I'm gonna do the blue ones right
obviously when it's here and I'm going
to use same tool on same space except
for everyone on a bit of space but on
the same skin so this big up right here
I'm gonna exciting to see the difference
like the black windows oh my gosh okay
so a nice the same difference it's just
some budging around books are you guys
yeah okay so it's just not your round
that's the black but it's taking longer
like it you can barely see it coming off
but it is see it's barely just invisible
you can totally see it but sharpies are
supposed to invincible you can't do it
see ya in remember but I agree the blue
one does take much longer cuz there's
still some residue
now I'm gonna wipe that off like I did
for the black one so that you can see
the black ones
appearance and the black one has nothing
there literally nothing there is nothing
there if you're seeing what I'm seeing
the dot used to be right there above my
it's gone no residue no nothing right
here there is a bit of residue if you
can see that that just bit of blue right
there even if I wipe it still doesn't
come off so I guess the blue one does
take a few more seconds oh I'm just
going to shower gel it then the black
one does but it totally works the same
anyways bye and I will see you next time
if you didn't already notice it's
Natalie here not Lily and yeah