How To Cook Sirloin Steak On Stove Top

How To Cook Sirloin Steak On Stove Top Video

How To Cook Sirloin Steak On Stove Top Video Transcript

hi my name is Patrick you burger I'm
going to demonstrate how to prepare to
stack two different ways one pan seared
and one grilled I'm going to be using an
Angus 200 days green pets ribeye from
Australia so beautiful meats superb
quality that I've been using in my
restaurant over the last ten years hot
frying pan make sure it's hot and just
slightly smoky let the sec sear on the
bottom of the pan do not shake the pan
you want to achieve a nice crust on your
step so you let the steak caramelize by
themselves how to check the darkness of
your sec it's always be tricky the fond
how to cook sirloin steak on stove top
of sometimes the aging of the steak the
quality of the stack the thickness of
the sex
it comes with experience it should take
about 2 minutes on each side if it's
become too smoky mins too hot you can
bring down the heat at this stage we're
going to add some butter that the butter
will help us caramelize the meat get a
nice nutty holstered taste to the meat
and make it nice lovely brown color I am
using a new s prime Confed yellowing
stack which came out top of our last
comparison a video we did recently
season the steak with Australian sea
how to cook sirloin steak on stove top
salt crushed black peppercorn and fine
chopped rosemary
turn it over and do the same on the
other side the salon is the easier cut
to get a nice grill marks a very uniform
with a even thickness a warm up the
grill pan on a high heat make sure it's
really hot add the stack already
pre-seasoned on a grill without any
extra oil or butter directly on a grill
and grid it about two to three minutes
on one side turn 90 degrees to cross
mark the stack and let it brown another
two to three minutes turn over and do
the same on the other side remove remove
the beef from the pan place it on a meat
rack to allowed the juices to drip off
generally five minutes it's enough time
to resume the now I'm going to prepare a
yummy that goes with mostly all a
perversion of these stacks which is
sauteed onions bacon and mushrooms

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