How To Be Pregnant With A Boy Video
How To Be Pregnant With A Boy Video Transcript
hi I'm dr. Terrence Lee we're going totalk about how to get pregnant now when
you ask that question to the average
high school kid you're probably going to
be greeted with some giggling and answer
of well it's obvious the way to get
pregnant is to just have sex and that's
where babies come from well that is true
for five out of six couples it for them
it just happens naturally pretty easily
but for one out of six couples sadly
that's that's not the case and so
majority of people are insensitive to
what infertility couples us suffer and
that they actually have to think about
you know why it's not happening and
think of what they can do so let's let's
start by answering this question let me
ask you this what are the different ways
to get pregnant you can think about that
well I'll give you a hint
prior to the 1900s there was only one
way to get pregnant and that that is
just to have sex and get pregnant
through natural intercourse so the way
that works is that the sperm and the egg
have to come together now how does that
work this is a uterus okay this is a
this is a model of the uterus it's a
it's a fairly abnormal uterus there are
a few fibroids in it and all that but it
will serve nicely for this demonstration
so these are the ovaries right here
these are what contained the eggs and
every month a woman will release eggs
and when they release they come out of
the ovaries and then they get into the
fallopian tube so they come out of the
ovaries and they get sucked into the
fallopian tube so they're right here in
this part of the tube just waiting
patiently for the sperm to show up
then at the time of sexual intercourse
sperm are deposited right here in the
vagina and the some of them will make
their way up to here now how does this
well when the sperm are deposited here
in the vagina 99% of it is wasted it
will just leak out or it will just the
sperm will die in the environment of the
vagina the vagina is not very friendly
to the sperm it's an acidic environment
sperm delivery well in the vagina but
where they can now survive is if they
reach here where the cervix is that's
the cervix and the cervix makes
something called cervical mucus the
cervical mucus helps keep the sperm
alive enough that it can travel through
the great barrier of the mucus and then
up here into the uterine cavity once it
reaches the uterine cavity if it has any
strength left at all it can make it out
here into the fallopian tubes and if
there's an egg waiting and they collide
with each other then fertilization takes
place once fertilization takes place
then the baby the fertilized embryo
marches down the tube into the uterus
where in a plant in plants here and
starts growing for the next nine months
and becomes a baby so that is the real
obvious answer right so again I asked
you what are the different ways to get
pregnant well one answer is through
natural sexual intercourse but there are
at least two other answers that are
after the 1900s technology got advanced
to the point of doing something that was
fairly low-tech and that is just to
deliver the sperm right to where the
eggs should be waiting and how does that
work that it's done through a process
called intrauterine insemination so here
we have a syringe so a syringe can be
used to hold liquid in this case we can
put processed sperm inside the syringe
so we never inseminate Rosberg because
there are substances in the in the
ejaculated sperm that can cause a lot of
painful contractions in the year
and there are also some substances that
we would prefer not to be in there such
as bacteria or dead sperm or blood cells
and things like that so what we do is we
take the raw sperm and we process it in
the laboratory until we have a very
clean sample and we also do certain
methods to separate the best sperm from
all the bad ones so we end up with a
fairly good sample of good sperm here in
a syringe and then what we do is we
attach it to a catheter so this catheter
then is used right here to pass through
the vagina and then it passes into the
cervix and then the sperm are injected
right into the uterine cavity once it is
injected into the uterine cavity this
this model right here is not physically
not anatomically accurate because it
shows all this space but in reality the
uterus instead of being a space like my
hand it's more like a closed fist
so this cavity is really just a virtual
space so once you inject fluid in there
there's no room for it to go anywhere
other than out into the tubes okay well
a little bit will leak out back this way
but most of it will go out into the
tubes to where the sperm is so this is a
very simple technique this is something
that they could have probably done in
medieval times with you know what I
could read or something like that and
just you know made-up way to do
intrauterine insemination and so that's
another way to get pregnant now this way
is better in that the sperm gets a lot
lot closer to where it's supposed to go
most people who can get pregnant with
intrauterine insemination can also get
pregnant naturally but the odds are just
better with the insemination because
there's so many more sperm that get to
where it needs to go as opposed to just
having a few you know sperm make it okay
there's one more way ever since the late
1970s there was a way where the eggs
are physically taken out of the body
okay they're taken out of the body and
brought into the laboratory then in the
laboratory under a microscope the sperm
are injected directly into the egg and
this well sometimes it's injected into
the egg sometimes the sperm are sort of
just sprinkled on top of the eggs but in
but in either case in the laboratory
fertilization takes place and once the
fertilized embryos have been created
then we watch them to see which ones
look like they're growing the healthiest
then we select the best ones and then we
take those and we go through the through
the cervix and implant the transfer the
embryos into the uterus and we want them
to implant there okay in fact we can
even do fancier stuff like take part of
the embryos and do a genetic analysis so
we can see which ones are have the
normal number of chromosomes we can see
which will become boys which will become
girls things like that so the answer to
my question of how to get pregnant there
are essentially three ways that that is
through natural intercourse through
intrauterine insemination which is the
low-tech approach and through in vitro
fertilization which is the high-tech
approach okay so how does that help you
right so you are now faced with a
situation where you want to get pregnant
and you haven't gotten pregnant and you
greatly prefer to get pregnant naturally
right but I mean who wouldn't we all
would want to get pregnant in the way
that's the the most non-invasive the
least expensive and the easiest and
that's just you know through natural
means however what happens if the
natural means don't work if the natural
means don't work then you have two
choices one is just to be patient and
keep trying keep trying keep trying
until it finally happens or the other
possibility is to go ahead and take
action and explore one of the other two
ways I mean that's pretty common sense
right so you either if something's not
working you can either be patient and
keep doing that same thing
or you can explore more powerful more
advanced techniques so the question
becomes how do you know how do you know
when it's time how do you know it's time
to move up to something greater and
that's something we'll talk about in the
next lesson and I'll give you a hint
what the four factors are the four
factors to take into account would be
how many months have you failed to get
pregnant using the way that you're
trying right now number two what is your
age number three do you have any other
clues to suspect that there's a specific
problem okay and then number four is
just your own personal choice of just
how how how important is it for you to
get pregnant sooner than later versus
you know if you have a more relaxed
approach saying you know if it happens
it happens and if it doesn't then then
we're fine also okay so um I thank you
for this um time that we spend together
and if you have any more questions
please feel free to visit my website and
I will see you at the next lesson take