How To Whiten Teeth In Photoshop Video
How To Whiten Teeth In Photoshop Video Transcript
let's talk very quickly about whiteningteeth in Photoshop this is a friend of
mine Katie and I have for the record
here made her teeth way more yellow than
they typically are now in order to
whiten teeth very quickly and easily in
Photoshop you want to go layer new
adjustment layer and choose a vibrance
now in the wall hit okay and then in the
vibrance adjustment layer properties we
want to reduce the vibrance to about i
don't know- 70 something like that now
that kills the whole image so we want to
make sure we select the layer mask hit
the hotkey commander control I to fill
that with black and then we're going to
grab our brush tool I like to set the
opacity of the brush tool to about fifty
percent for this particular teeth
treatment or tooth treatment and I'm
painting with my foreground color set to
white and I'm just going to paint here
over her teeth just like so and that is
how you can quickly whiten teeth in
Photoshop that's it get it got it good
Nathaniel Dodson tuck vidcom I'll catch
you the next one