How To Tell If Your Pregnant Without A Test Video
How To Tell If Your Pregnant Without A Test Video Transcript
I feel pretty hello again and welcome toanother edition of me being on the
this week I would like to discuss
something that's happening to me as we
speak what is that you might ask it's me
growing a human baby in my body it only
took like fucking forever I have one
child and when she turned to it's like
let's make a baby
then about two years later it finally
happened but it takes a while to really
feel like you're pregnant I like to talk
about signs that you're pregnant of
course there is the obvious there's the
pregnancy test
no no you can see that that's two lines
baby may have taken like 80 of these and
they all add two lines I still didn't
believe it and then there's the doctor
visit and if you're lucky enough I'm
good ultrasound look at you
alien baby there's a little alien head
and a little alien bodies but even with
all of this definitive hardcore
scientific proof you may not feel like
you're pregnant so what are the more
personal signs I'll tell you oh my god
how's all our breath
you may be pregnant if you can't catch
your fucking breath I can barely speak a
prize of even doing videos well I
decided to get back into videos cuz I'm
why am I having a hard time making
videos because I'm pregnant
if you feel like you're having the
longest hangover in history yeah you've
had nothing to drink you're most
definitely pregnant
what do you mean to hangover Andrea I
haven't drank anything how can I feel
hungover you have what I like to call a
hormone hangover and it lasts for months
you have headaches you feel dizzy you
feel nauseous
you're probably praying to the porcelain
God on the daily and it's not just in
the morning whoever called it morning
sickness is an idiot should be all day
every day no matter what you're doing no
matter where you are
sickness you're probably very pregnant
if you cry over everything and by
everything I mean every stupid little
fucking thing I was watching TV and a
jeep commercial came on had a family
buying a new vehicle what am i doing oh
I got the car of their dreams
and it's only 250 a book they go first
oh that's just a start
cry over Disney movies you're probably
hell I've cried over the preview to
Disney movies I was watching a Disney
movie and they have the previews for
other Disney movies on and it was like
the 20th or 25th anniversary of the
Little Mermaid and that music comes on
oh and immediately it's like ah she's
just one leg so she kept on love
daughters looking at me like did that
just make you cry are you crying mommy
yes don't touch me okay you're only
three you don't know you don't know the
struggles ophea if you cry over food
probably pregnant I have been known to
cry over wanting food not wanting
certain types of food not being able to
eat the food I want which that is
actually very
pressing the list of things you cannot
have when you're pregnant goes on and on
and on
there are literally books full of things
that you cannot have and it's depressing
I asked my doctor well what about subway
I mean that should be okay they toast it
they put it in there no well what if I
go to the deli and I buy like some ham
and some turkey like you know maybe I
fry it first no I asked her one of the
fare can I have raw oysters she laughed
at me I've also cried because I have
craving so badly for something I can
feel it in my soul you're probably also
pregnant if your boobs look fantastic
you can go from a size B to a size D in
a few months
Oh nature's boob job on the downside if
you don't want to be fucking touched
you're probably pregnant
sorry husbands I know they look
fantastic I was like
yes fun like it benefit for me go in for
the grope edge and get the fuck away
right don't touch me
they hurt okay it's legit they look but
don't touch
if you feel like dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde
at any given time one in a given day you
are definitely pregnant one moment
you're like I feel lovey I love you
honey I love you daughter I love you
friends and then next minute you're like
fucking a bag don't touch me don't talk
to me why are you people here hook smash
not my fault I'm really sorry
yeah you're pregnant again that's a
hormonal hangover man it will do some
shit if you can smell every goddamn
thing you're pregnant like you may think
you have a good sense of smell before
you get pregnant but once those hormones
kick in it is like the whole world is on
overload smell overload you turn into a
hound but that smell what is that the
dog at the couch is it me is it you
especially food which you think would be
kind of a good thing like oh this smells
wonderful no shit stinks man I was a
cooking a pork tenderloin I normally
love those moans of the packages they're
already pre marinated cuz you know I've
got a lot of fucking time oh you just
rip it open and you throw it in the oven
the smell of that thing cooking maybe
wanna vomit
so badly it was horrible
I had to put like oil and a tissue and
just no I'll cook it dinner no it's fine
I'm fine I'm good I was gonna taste
great yeah
he doesn't say I did not eat it and I
can't eat pork now that's
you also know you're pregnant when she
just getting tight doesn't always happen
right away time to death State this is
number two three four five whatever
subsequent pregnancy so when you can't
like button your pants anymore and
you're like the congratulations
you're pregnant yeah your baby's Bobby
bitchin but I'm actually really excited
hey I want to know when you knew you
were pregnant write them in the comments
either on the YouTube video on Facebook
shoot me a tweet cuz I'm really trying
hard to like get better ass no wouldn't
I really hit for you is every woman's
different never pregnancy with every
woman is different
so hey nature all right love you guys
see you next week ciao Boop