How To Remove Blood Stains From Carpet Video
How To Remove Blood Stains From Carpet Video Transcript
hey guys working fishermen here was outstriper fishing a couple of weeks ago
got a little bit of blood on the carpet
you know some of it was from the striper
some of it was from me had a lot of
questions about this you know how do I
get blood stains out of my carpet it's
no big deal don't worry about it if
you're fishing you get a little blood on
your carpet ideally you would take a
microfiber cloth right away dab it get
as much of the blood up as you can if
you if you don't have time you're on
fish don't worry about it go home do
whatever you got to do and then as soon
as you can get to it this thing here is
like two weeks old no big deal i'm not
worried about it are you going to need
old toothbrush if you don't have one
grab your roommates hydrogen peroxide
that's three percent you can buy that at
any pharmacy or whatever your local
drugstore this happens to be walgreens
real cheap everybody's got that in her
medicine cabinet put the hydrogen
peroxide in a spray bottle and then the
last thing you're going to need is a
microfiber cloth to do your Dobbin and
your shot back alright so the first
thing I do I just take my hydrogen
peroxide and spray and everywhere
there's blood you'll see it fizz up see
how that's physical just keep spraying
that let it soak in a little bit and it
doesn't have to be real warm out it's
like 45 degrees on my garage right now
you just take them spray that all over
that same let's soak in see how I'm
doing that you spray it on there and
wherever you have blood and a fizz and
it turn white real easy
long as you got a spray bottle works
good and where it's where it's not you
can see where it's not it doesn't fit up
it doesn't turn white but then you get
over here there's another little spot
right there right where I'm pointing see
how it just fit up anywhere you have
blood sometimes you won't see it but in
a fizz up is it like CSI crime scene
with the black light anywhere you've got
blood and go to fizz ok I can you get
that cover with peroxide real good let
it sit for a little bit you know like a
minute or so and then what I like to do
is take my toothbrush or my roommates
toothbrush or whatever just scrub that a
little bit work out in their back and
forth back and forth real quick tonight
it's working you can see that blood just
rising up right there just work out real
good ok after I work that in real good
I'll just take my microfiber cloth just
rub that kind of hard just rub against
the grain in there just flip your towel
your microfiber cloth over and keep
rubbing yeah we're getting a lot of it
out just keep using a clean cloth go a
couple different directions
yeah it's looking good that's looking
real good rub that up real good then
what I like to do is let that sit a
little bit then I like to kick my shot
back on and shop up any excess moisture
alright that's looking real good i got
one little spot here I didn't shoot when
hit that again see how I just finished
up I was a spot i missed hit that real
quick just give a little brush and fresh
that right out of there don't don't be
afraid to put a little pressure on that
toothbrush either when you get done with
this just rinse it off and put it back
in your roommates holder and then you
scrub that up real quick hit it with the
back shot back again
BAM brand new carpet this is a 2000
Triton tr20 never had the carpet
replaced that's all I do a little bit of
peroxide and looks brand new man that's
all you got to do so anybody's got
problems with blood stains that was a
two week old stain came right up you
know after that dries that look good as
new all right if you guys got any other
questions just let me know thanks for
watching a video