How To Kick Yourself In Csgo

How To Kick Yourself In Csgo Video

How To Kick Yourself In Csgo Video Transcript

welcome to my channel today we will be
talking about how to kick yourself in
csgo it is very simple but before that
please make sure you have enabled
developer console in game settings after
you have enabled developer console
inside the competitive match or inside
the casual match press the tilde key on
your people to open the console
typesetters it is a command which will
show the list of all the players in your
team I want you to copy the first two
numbers in front of your name no type
call word space cake and paste those
number after it then press Enter you
how to kick yourself in csgo
should see a vote to kick yourself by
you thanks for watching this video
please like comment and subscribe for
more videos thank you
feria de ver fútbol sólo hay tres en
tres y fair game of thrones

How To Kick Yourself In Csgo Related Keywords

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