How To Jump Start Car Without Another Car Video
How To Jump Start Car Without Another Car Video Transcript
hi everybody I'm Leah of CJ drill andtoday well I'm standing in front of my
2004 Jeep Wrangler and the thing is well
I haven't driven it in about six months
so the battery is dead we're going to
start this baby without using jumper
cables I'm going to show you how to do
that next do is I want to show you first
of all I'm going to try honking the horn
you got nothing right gonna put the key
in the ignition as well to show you that
it has absolutely no power okay I'm
getting absolutely nothing this is the
tool we're going to use and let me tell
you something it's wintertime for a lot
of us and we worry about our car battery
going low or going completely dead you
know let me tell you something somebody
is not always nearby to give your car a
jump sometimes you don't even have
cables what I like about this tool here
is it can fit in your glove compartment
now what is it well it's the genius
boost and what it is is it's a miniature
jump box what's a jump box a jump box is
a device which allows you to give your
car battery a boost without using
another car or jumper cables it's got a
built-in flashlight and strobe
apparently the other side is got USB
ports and so what it's able to do is its
able to charge your laptop keep it
charged up in your iphone as well so you
had a figure if you travel a lot this is
a great tool to have okay what I really
love about this unit is it fits easily
in any glove compartment of your car
okay the unit comes with positive and
negative cables if you come in close
I'll show you how you tell which is
now with the positive cable you'll see a
plus sign that means it's positive and
the handles tend to be red and the same
thing is true with the negative cable
it's denoted with a negative sign right
here and the handles tend to be black
okay so this is our positive terminal
here on our battery we know that because
there's a red cable there that denotes
that this is our positive
batteries it's also indicated with the
plus sign so what I'm going to do is I'm
going to go ahead and I'm going to hook
up our positive cable to that terminal
okay we've got that now what I'm going
to do is I'm going to take the negative
cable here and I'm going to hook it up
to our negative terminal now how can I
tell that this is the negative terminal
because it has a black cable here's the
thing I want to point this out because
many of you are probably saying wait a
second Leah normally you would hook up
the negative cable to a non moving metal
part on the engine okay to ground it
because you know sparks and sparks might
ignite gases in around the battery
normally you would do that but with this
unit you don't have to worry about it
because the unit doesn't energize until
you hit a button it's time to energize
the unit I'm going to push this button
right here but before I push the button
I want to show you something here it's
got a feature that if it lights up it
lets you know that you hooked up the
cables wrong so that's just another
important safety feature that this unit
has so you know you don't you don't run
into any trouble later on but our unit
is hooked up correctly to our battery
terminals all we have to do is push this
button to energize it and that's what
I'm going to do now a flight on inside
now it's time to start it now you're
supposed to give it about 30 seconds
we've given it that now I'm going to
turn the key and see if we can get it to
fire up as you notice our dash lights
are coming on so here we go accidentally
I turned on windshield wipers
Oh can you believe that that's just
incredible I love it and folks that's
all it takes to jump a car without
booster cables is Lea saying you can't
do this
see you next time