How To Control Someone Mind

How To Control Someone Mind Video

How To Control Someone Mind Video Transcript

reported this week which I thought was
really cool economist com economist com
ok magazine right and economist com you
can subscribe annually for $59 oh by the
way this will make you a lot of money so
really simple little box sign up box
little Johnson bucks they call them on
the internet just a little not even that
big is about that big print subscription
125 dollars mail it right to your house
okay right right there 125 bucks print
and web subscription 125 dollars
that's kind of interesting isn't it must
have been a typo right the economist com
wait economist com they don't have typos
how to control someone mind
they have editors and stuff well that's
interesting so why in heaven's name
would they put the print subscription
and the print + the web subscription as
the exact same price because any idiot
would know that it's a better deal to
get the print and web together right you
have to be a moron but any other idiot
would be able to figure it out so we
found out from MIT which is a cool
school which I could never afford it to
go to that 84 people of the first
hundred subscribed to the print and web
when shown this 16 subscribed to the $59
nobody took the prints description a
how to control someone mind
surprise no surprise right print
subscription 125 bucks print and web 125
bucks 59 for the internet only now no
shot no shot now they took out this this
line they took that line out
okay with me for the next group 68
people subscribed for $59 32 people
subscribed for 125 dollars
of the first hundred so let's just pause
and realize how much money we didn't
make last year okay so what we did to
screw ourselves up last year was then
that we didn't give an option that any
idiot would not take I forgot to do that
that's because I'm an idiot okay but
how to control someone mind
when you take that option out only 32
people subscribe to the most expensive
one so they did twelve thousand dollars
of business for the first hundred people
on our first scenario with the print
offered and then they did about four
thousand dollars six thousand dollars
for the option where this is out pretty
cool everybody did if you don't follow
this but I'll walk you through it again
does everybody get that ah good question
fair economist com $59 68 when this is
gone 68 people subscribed to that one
four times as many when this option was
taken out they lost a fortune okay so
how to control someone mind
obviously when you go to economist com
you'll see that like that okay now
you're not economist com but most people
in this room have a website and most
people can do this right Jay Abraham who
you may have heard a fairly sharp guy
he'll tell you that he's a genius but
he's fairly sharp guy this is what he
does when you buy his he's got this big
book it's about this fat because there's
no writing on half of the pages
otherwise it would have been dis fat
right but when you put something that
weighs 11 pounds in a person's hand
Janet Switzer who's one of those
smartest marketing people on this planet
she says people want density they want
heavy yannick silver very smart young
man he send you a course he could easily
put all this on a PDF with all the ads
from the history of the internet and
history of advertising and he's got
boxwell books and books and books of
these ads all in binders one side and he
put in his ad it's so heavy that it'll
probably break the UPS guys back
bringing it up to your door and you're
thinking but I don't want all that
clunky stuff I don't want I why do you
Kevin why do you have those big CD cases
to send out 12 CDs and all yet but
really do is you stick them in a little
thing and everybody because income we'd
be divided by a three okay you have to
have big big as dense dense is necessary
dense is necessary so when you have the
print in the web this is where you make
the money as long as you're offering the
print at the same exact price cool okay

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