How To Master Songs Video
How To Master Songs Video Transcript
welcome back about a new tutorial aboutregion and this style tutorial is going
to be about everything about mastering
and how to do all the different
equalizer tweaks and all that kind of
stuff this is another program and I'm
actually in and this is called a
waveform editor where I can also load up
white house and generate WAV files this
thing is actually a generated sinus wave
and this thing is being made on 400
Hertz so to speak and that thing sounds
like this it's just a single beep the
reason why I actually had loaded this
thing up is I want to point out a
certain thing and that is at the bottom
of the reason rack we have an option
that is called area out clipping what is
audio out clipping or it's simple
are you out clipping means there is a
level that is called the zero DB level
which is like everything is in harmonic
sync all the sounds are not being
either being distorted and that's where
the server DB line comes in because this
is actually the 0 DB line right at the
top and the bottom that part if we're
going to cross the 0 DB line distortion
will appear and this thing will be
turned on
that's the audio clipping sine one way
to demonstrate this on one part is if
I'm going to grab a really crowded
section over here like this
that's the how do you clipping for you
in that case we'll start to light up
well why does it light up well it's
really simple in a way and to explain
these parts and using this program over
here because now we have ourselves a
really monotonic sinusoid which sounds
like a rotten rather normal thing but
one thing that we can do is normalize
this thing making it harder so to speak
we're going to go over the sine of the
Shara DB level like this going to
practicing of for and watch what happens
this thing becomes more like a square
wave and it even sounds more like a
square wave that's what the stores in
does for you and that's also one of the
things that are including this does do
for you to actually demonstrate is
really easy inside of region well that's
really simple we are going to drag in a
subtractor we're going to park this
thing on the signage wife like that
we're going to overdo the settings I
mean we're going to really crack the
system up like this and in this case it
will not be noticeable because the
mastering sure is in there and that's
also one of the big nasty parts in this
part because a mastering suit
always has a compressor and that
compressor is actually getting rid of
all the 0 DB level so to speak but in
this case you will notice what will
actually happen the audio clipping over
here goes nuts like mad there and this
thing should actually be silently
but if you ask me that thing sounds more
like a square wave but due to the fact
that we can also apply a matching suit
over here which is really nice because
most people don't think like okay
there's an audio clipping sign well I
don't have this problem because I'm just
going to go to a plastic suit and a
compressor in there and my problem is
yes correct but you still have the
problem that this thing is going to be
way too loud because that thing is going
to be peaked at the maximum crossing the
zero degree line so to speak so the best
way to actually create your songs is not
using this masking sure to begin with
the first thing you should do is create
your song without the magic suit and at
the end bypass or get this system inside
of the region rack and then use the
mastering suit to make the final changes
because in that case if these are you
out clipping it's starting to push or
it's being triggered then you know there
is something wrong inside of your song
and this is the problem that most of the
guys have with reason I have been saying
this like 100 times and people don't
really care about that well anyways that
was the whole side part behind that part
because there was also another problem
with this whole technique some people
actually do it like this with the latest
if I forget to bring in a reason
computer and we're going to bring in a
really heavy bass and this place is
going to be a bottom like that I got to
park in the drum over here we're going
to reduce the volume over here and we're
going to bring in a Animax T and annex D
there and we're going to drag in a let's
take a combo an extra in a super string
check because this is also one of the
forms we're going to come across with if
we're going to cross this here of DB
line because the whole system becomes
too crowded in a way there are even
songs that are really really popular
songs and there are even songs that are
so popular and they were even built
wrong in a way technically speaking
we're going to park in a string session
over here like
dish and most of the guys that actually
make it based on think like okay we have
a vision and I want to have this page
base your well the only thing they do is
drag in an equalizer and we want to make
it better so why not crank up the whole
system over here the lower frequencies
are the bases so we're going to reduce
or increase I mean the baselines like
that because in this case this thing
sounds more better yeah true but here's
another problem going to cross the
superstring over here is not going to be
noticeable as soon as we're going to
bring in our compressor over here watch
what happens each time the patient is
being played the string just it goes
like on off on off on off because the
whole well sound effect so to speak
becomes way too crowded in a way because
you're crossing to 0 DB no well here's
the thing that is one of the solutions I
will not say that that's the solution
but this is just one of them
we're going to bypass this thing over
here and we're not going to increase the
low notes no we're going to decrease the
middle notes like this in this case the
emphasis lives on the lower notes and
our higher notes because that's what a
basement is all about but it does not
really have that much emphasis on the
middle notes same thing goes to the
superstring we're going to drag in a
additional equalize like this I'm going
to select a frequency band and we're
going to reduce the lower bands like
this because in this case the
superstring is not going to be
conflicted with our bass drum so if
you're going to play the sequence over
here without having the matching suit
over here well notice that everything is
hunky-dory the based on place the string
section place and also reduce rolling
over here a little bit and we can also
increase the volume a little bit over
I tell and still the string session is
noticeable it does not drop off there is
no drop off because this thing is not
marching to 0 DB line so in this case if
you're going to bring in the message
shoot over here you can even start
speaking about final mix without having
any problems the same thing goes with
other devices if you have for instance a
piano session going on and for instance
if I'm going to drag in a NXT over here
and we're going to bring in a piano
bright piano one of the things that you
could do is stop playing this thing I
drag the thing inside of the sequencer
like this I'm just going to go for 16
notes 16 out like that where did I park
the initial note on c4 okay so I'm going
to use C as a chart see as a chart like
that well just a short sequence to begin
with like that and this place one of the
problems you get probably going to have
is with the piano being really loud in a
way and the string session is a lesser
noticeable one of the things that we
could do is tweak the system a little
bit by using an equaliser over here and
making the middle notes a little bit
lesser like that could also go a little
bit lower like that this piano becomes
even more sharper well the real big
trick to this whole part is actually
analyze what you are playing and one of
the ways that you could also do is one
of the tricks that I also showed
somewhere in another tutorial is by
dragging in a vocal unit that's one
thing and the next thing we're going to
do is use a spider audio measure like
that I'm going to drag in the master out
that thing is going inside of our spider
unit this one is going to be our
modulator input and the massing unit is
going to be a part of the spider as well
like that and in this case we can
visually see what is actually happening
inside of us in this case you can
visually see where the bands are yet oh
one minor problem though is there is no
like what kind of frequency they are for
that purpose I'm using a thing that is
called true RTA