How To Get Service Dog For Anxiety

How To Get Service Dog For Anxiety Video

How To Get Service Dog For Anxiety Video Transcript

hi guys I'm Salem this is Gracie and you
probably only clicked on this video
because I had a dog in the thumbnail
Gracie uses my psychiatric service dog
she provides tasks such as deep pressure
therapy and licks me to distract me
during a panic attack Gracie is a
five-year-old Great Dane that I rescued
about three years ago and we began
training for her to become a service dog
almost here just her presence alone when
I'm out in public eases my mind and just
the fact that she's beside me and I know
that people are most likely looking at
me because I have a giant force with me
how to get service dog for anxiety
and you know not it's not directly
related to my insecurities
I'm sorry I didn't see the sign the
regular neon sign that says do not pet I
don't have eyes

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