Probiotics How To Take

Probiotics How To Take Video

Probiotics How To Take Video Transcript

hey Jennifer dr. ben hi dr. ben how are
you good good good to talk with you
thank you I just want to remind you this
this podcast is recorded that's okay
sure okay yeah so just no identifying
information to otherwise tattoo on my
right left shoulder that's right
thank Tyrannosaurus Rex exactly alright
thank you my knee me yeah I've got kids
the first thing that comes in my head or
dinosaurs Star Wars and scooby-doo I
have a 16 year old but I was playing
with some plastic dinosaurs yesterday
all right all right all righty so you
got a test from doctors data it looks
probiotics how to take
like you've got no bugs in your stomach
and your digestive tract so right no bad
no good yeah yep pretty sterile
and I have been taking high quality
probiotics for years wonder you know
like the real very similar to what you
sell from my naturopath here on the
island on an empty stomach morning and
night the high I could go read the kind
it is but has all the different strains
plus a crow B separately and I've been
doing this literally for years and
high-intensity all this year like not
missing it well that's why we were so
busy was so bizarre we thought maybe it
probiotics how to take
would come up with bad bacteria but and
I've been having all kinds of strange
changes in my bowels
I hear that which is why we did the test
how many probiotics have you been taking
how many different companies how many
different companies well the one I've
been taking for the longest it's I can
run in the house and get it it's a
powder it's in a blue bottle I keep in
the refrigerator um you take I take a
quarter teaspoon in water first thing in
the morning okay it has a bunch of
different you know I mean I buy it from
my naturopath I don't buy it at the
probiotics how to take
health food store declare labs
yes okay yep and then Sakura B
till that's not refrigerated and then
once we got the result of that from
doctors data my naturopathic all the
doctors data doctor totally freaked out
like how could I have no vector at all
and she said I know we see this just
take the same stuff the same probiotics
with kefir or kombucha or something in
the morning and so I've been doing that
like I still feel kind of crap pretty
crappy my digestion is I mean not good
at all
I can't tolerate anything you know like
probiotics how to take
I have never been able to tolerate
gluten or dairy or eggs very well but
it's even worse now
mm-hmm so I have certainly haven't seen
you change I guess my question to you is
a is there anything different to do B is
it just take a long time and says I
guess that a and B okay
well couple things how are you taking
the probiotic we walk me through the
process what do you do I get up in the
morning I come downstairs first thing I
take my quarter teaspoon in water and
actually you know what my first thing I
do is I take a prebiotic drink it mixed
probiotics how to take
in water it's gosh I can't think of what
it is but it's genuine but yeah yeah
yeah something like that that that my
sweetie started taking if he was having
got trouble from a virus that he got in
Mongolia this was a couple years ago so
he swears by this so I take that then I
take my probiotic in water and then I
take a half a glass of kefir you know
sugar free super duper yummy kefir
and my Sakura B and then that's what I
do and then I take my regular you know
vitamins and fish oil and not throughout
the day okay and you take another dose
probiotics how to take
later on or that it I bet I've been
taking I used to take two but the doctor
data doctor but I didn't need to take
two so I haven't been on top 30 go back
to taking two if you think it would help
and then during the day I tried to you
know I try to eat fermented foods drink
good combat
you know you know gluten-free be so for
lunch that kind of thing just adding
more fermented foods in okay so in green
and I see one thing wrong right away and
that's probiotic should be taken at
night after dinner so that's one first
thing in the morning you know I mean I
probiotics how to take
know Claire labs and they're they're
good but you need to take the probiotic
after dinner because the stomach is very
acidic uh-huh and even if the bacteria
are protected against stomach acid its
first thing in the morning you're you're
hungry and an empty stomach you have
tons of acid so you've got to have it
after dinner and that's the time to take
it sure take it right after dinner
because I was always told to take it on
as much of an empty stomach as possible
that's been my problem yes that's your
problem oh my gosh
all that hauling crap so like right
probiotics how to take
after dinner with with wish I do still
do the kefir fermented food thing you
can you know I don't think it's
necessary as much you know doctors data
doctor recommended it then you can
continue it but I think the biggest
problem is you're when you're taking it
so what what happens if you think
through the processes bacteria normally
resides on our food when we eat it right
so and then it gets in our stomach and
then it takes over so you know if if you
take a probiotic after dinner when that
is recommended because if you eat your
dinner the stomach acid level or stomach
probiotics how to take
acid decreases a bit so and then you
wait a little bit longer say ten minutes
or five minutes or what have you and
then you take your probiotic after that
and what what that does is if you take
your probiotic after your dinner and you
wait a little bit the food will start
going through down through the
intestines and down you know make its
way out of there and if you take the
probiotic after then the probiotic makes
its way after the food in that lower
acidic environment because it's still
recent enough after your dinner but it
has time to start binding to all the
probiotics how to take
walls and the intestine
so if you take if you take your
probiotic before dinner then you're just
going to push them all out and you're
also going to have it your stomach too
acidic and they'll be dead so we're good
morning right at ten minutes out five or
ten minutes after dinner keep doing the
key for just because yeah yeah if you
like it I mean keepers keepers good you
know it and in terms of your other
digestive symptoms you know you could be
low on stomach acid you could be low and
digestive enzymes it could be food
intolerances you know there's there's a
number of different things there but you
know I I don't think you have a bad
choice of a probiotic I just think
you're taking it wrong and then do you
get any gas and bloating you said your
digestive symptoms were pretty bad no I
was I haven't been since I've been I
haven't been recently there's been times
in my life that I have but recently it's
been more burping than anything else
okay so burping to me is low stomach
acid okay so because it's an immediate
gas response so it's higher up on the
stomach so it means your food is
fermenting more rapidly up higher and if
it's if you get gas you know flatulence
that means you're getting lower down
you know fermentation so it's you know
digestive enzymes are or bad bacteria or
food intolerances so I would say you
need a digestive enzyme before meals and
I would recommend it be stomach acid of
some sort betaine hydrochloride acid or
or cheese can Chiana are amazing in
wormwood you can also take a tablespoon
of apple cider vinegar
yeah tablespoon apple cider vinegar
mixed with some lemon juice like say
juice of a you know like slice of a
lemon like a little quarter of a lemon
or something and then put it in a glass
of filtered water okay and sip it okay
you're not going to down it you're going
to sip it so the slightest feeling
burning or just you know you start
hearing your stomach grumble then stop
drinking it Kenny and you can what you
can do is if you're if you're on there
go you can take a little vial with you
to wherever you go and throw it in your
purse of apple cider vinegar in and
lemon juice and just mix it up and you
can just take a tiny sip directly
without any water just take a tiny sip
and then eat okay that's a great idea
okay and that should reduce the belching
okay well I will try both of these
things that's really helpful yeah I
think your next test of doctors data
should show some bugs in there so yeah
it's it's that that is interesting and
it's I guess I really shows the
importance of when to take your
probiotics yeah have you heard about
this boy where someone had no bacteria
at all good or bad infants when they're
born about it
so yeah I've never never heard of that I
find it almost impossible I know that
was exactly the reaction that my
naturopath had but that's why she called
in a such a long conversation with them
I mean it's it's I don't I don't know I
mean perhaps was a faulty test perhaps
it was a faulty specimen I I don't know
you know cuz normally we have five
pounds of bacteria in our gut whether
good or bad right you don't just not
have any bacteria and actually the bulk
of your stools you know it is bacteria
so people you know if they fast and you
do a water fast and they keep having
bowel movements they're thinking well
what the heck where am I getting all the
bowel movements well it's the bacteria
coming through so I I find it hard to
believe doctor's data is a great lab and
you know they have great doctors on
staff and great scientists on staff but
I I that's too hard for me to believe I
think it was faulty and the specimen
something happened in the specimen and I
also yeah so I would take your probiotic
this way for a month
- and then retest okay and you think and
see if your doctor will have them retest
for free because I I that just expensive
yeah it's too expensive and it doesn't
seem right okay so I would ask retest
that's great that's a great plan okay
all right well thank you thank you yeah

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