How To Uninstall Steam On Mac Video
How To Uninstall Steam On Mac Video Transcript
hey guys welcome to another videotoday's video is going to be brought to
you by a question from youtuber timothy
Wiltjer i'll put his channel link in the
description and here we go
so timothy commented on my video on how
to install amnesia mods the remake of
course um why he couldn't view certain
files in his resources folder to install
custom stories so the quick solution to
that is to uninstall amnesia and to
reinstall so I'm going to show you how
to uninstall an application from Steam
and reinstall it so um what you're going
to do is go into your Steam and when it
opens up it should be on libraries but
library but if it's not you can go ahead
and click on library so when you're in
library you can view all the games that
you have now if your um whatever game
you want to delete search for it in your
tabs here and I'm going to go ahead and
delete hmm I'll go ahead and delete the
binding of issac because I don't play
that so what you're going to do is
you're going to right-click on the name
and delete local content and when it
deletes the name should turn a darker
gray than it already is
which make a way to make certain that
the game is deleted now to reinstall all
you have to do is click on the name
again and click the install button so
I'm going to go ahead and do that so
basically just wait for it to install
and open it up and the resources every
folder should be filled but before you
do that make sure you enter the game and
actually play a little bit just to make
sure all the folders will be creative
and that's all thanks for watching and
shout out to Timothy Wiltshire for the
question good bye