How To Trade In Roblox

How To Trade In Roblox Video

How To Trade In Roblox Video Transcript

hey guys it's AJ again today I'm showing
you how to trade in murder mystery -
Samantha actually found this out go
check out her channel Smitha gaming I
found this Alice oh but I don't have the
reporter still so I'm not lying to you
guys okay you can't record right now it
sucks oh how them on the phone yeah
we're on phone - mine's like a
generation behind her so I can record
because she can't get it but it's - its
tip okay okay so how did record not
record trade in murder mystery so first
we go in murder mystery - probably
couldn't play then we go inside of it
how to trade in roblox
watch it down there that's what you're
going in you can also add us - if you
want I'll see Smith will be helping in
this video - sorry guys I didn't need
that much videos well it waits I'm
you can add me if you want it's AJ
gaming one right here I'm the girl
character though because by the way so
you click tab it right there click
tablet and quit my white so if you go in
hardcore don't click hardcore that's a
really bad first person only that's like
you can't see yourself characters
disguised you see that's like not good
how to trade in roblox
no radio no pets and toys that's what
you want and only play with hardcore
players as I have barely any and zooming
in and out your own character radio
allowed pets and toys so there's like
the little bar down here it's hard to
see but you click that yeah take that
gas there I already did a I thought away
so there now you can see the top right
corner right here this is on and the
oh okay the murderer and this is scope
in the amna yeah ads on whoa what's this
guy doing so you can cook me into tree
to get 15 right yes honestly I don't
how to trade in roblox
even know why but I'm just guessing
sorry guys I quit in battle because that
one that likes putting stuff everywhere
on the screen and he said oh it's wrong
you just want you get to see that time
too so see time
that's XP victory XP with any it's like
XP is like two level you up all that
sucks it's hard to see how many 20 up
I feel click tablet oh and trade your
classes on what and we do is your name
will pop up on the right side so I'm
gonna pick like random person like
around level 30 you click their name
click inventory to check what they have
how to trade in roblox
so they have like bill we got like
nothing so go to I said pressure and
I'll sit there enjoy da I'm a by the way
he's gonna be acting I bought a girl and
I'm gonna be trying to be a hey a girl
China Oh
so here's like toys and stuff I can't
get at ER this that's what I don't like
I'm restarting my character thank you
so I actually want to click inventory
maybe sometimes it might glitch it and
victori so just click a random person
click trade you probably know how
waiting for the person to trade except
the trade like if you wanna check the
how to trade in roblox
inventory you can still do that i can
get stuff for free for real mm-hmm
I watched Agnes my big buddy let's click
another person
click trade hey I wouldn't dare
what you should do first you should
customize your for movies right you'll
okay he's giving that so you can't
because ya know good night pets you
think you and pets
oh let's look first what we should do we
should get some stuff I need new clothes
so I'm going to do that quick and I
already bought clothes I'm caught
so I'll tell you like how you trade out
how to trade in roblox
a murder mystery too and I'm gonna show
you what my character is it's a girl
though boy
Samantha's is a boy even though it's a
girl which oh yeah but her name is the
world boom know that boom all those
socks leggings leggings socks all the
same things right now something is
happening what is happening I don't like
those pants
yeah we're not close I got a necklace
they're all bleed red you know what I
don't get I like the pants for my old
jogging pants no put the different plans
what is this tape on chilling okay so
let's see my face I don't have any more
smiles by Sami lon thanks mom I will
show you one more time how to trade oh
so it's like a heart
exit oh and stuff because as I tablets
are bigger so it's makes it bigger
I'm saying my song right is very sweet
Oh Hedren is drinking he's drinking
lines its water I'm going in murder okay
previous device I think you can also
change back to the phone right just
crook it but if you like that you can
like I say you could stay in this but as
you can see look with the glasses on the
bottom left
it would suspect a underneath sense it's
bigger it's like that's why I can't exit
out because if you go on a character and
click inventory to the X up there it's
on the black part so I won't do anything
on the black part that had to do it to
exit out you'd have to reset your
character for real mm-hmm
just think I can't read the name really
like I can see ice cream cold not
something why is this deep on something
no let's just add random people mm-hmm
any more friend so guys that's how to
trade in murder mystery I didn't trade
just anyone because you have the zero
nice yeah just uh also you had a tree
like go back James phone rings oh it's
three friends already
no I got more like four is that for ten
let's just say six well go subscribe to
Samantha's channel she doesn't have any
videos yet so I don't know if you can
what is happening did you reset your
code for I get it up alright okay feels
like that will know it someone else's
okay so if you go here and also touch
the switch yes go here
black back you up sometimes can I never
play my girl in touch the switch now
checking data and now it's back to let
the other way you can't trade because
you click a name I'm clicking the name
you won't be able to trade but this is
how to like see your normal device
because those ways spread out you can
see because look how much space is under
the glasses look how much you can see
the name so guys if you liked this video
make sure to drop a thumbs up share it
with your friends do all that fun stuff
and still want to go on tablet to get
please yeah I'll see you in the next
video so see you're going not up the no

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