How To Supplement Formula Video
How To Supplement Formula Video Transcript
hey everyone this is jonathan backed offon rooftop jasmine and I want to use
this video just to give you a brief
tutorial on how to use the for tornado
Machar very excited about this cuz i
think is going to give you a chance to
easily price your formulas and get good
a three-dimensional view of how you can
actually put all your supplement
together alright so let's start from the
beginning and so the first thing you do
is here is this for your line enter in
the information for our poor your run so
desired price is the quote we want to
get from the manufacturer per bottle so
let's just say I'm hoping for a quote up
around ten dollars per per bottle and
i'll say i'm going to have this run i'm
going to do a thousand containers and
then let's just say there's me 30
containers per okay now here I started
putting in my needs I say oh nice folic
acid I'll say I want to use 800
micrograms we're just kind of a common
dose of folic acid supplementing because
it's milligrams right there a percent
carrier uh this is a live in our circle
back to here in a few minutes let's just
say this is ninety percent carrier and
then per kilo let's say two hundred
dollars now here where says who sources
you've a choice of choosing a
manufacturer me for now we're just
needed at the manufacture let's say I
want to use beach ball will say one
milligram unit for this morning whilst a
nigga nine percent carrier and sixty
dollars per kilo let's just suppose
we're kind of doing like a B complement
sloping v6i let's do that one will see
10 milligrams say sixty-six percent
carrier and then let's say thirty-three
dollars per kilo and time in five see
this one will do 0 and then we'll do 400
let's just do one more here all right
all right min and then last but not
least let's say subdivided and then
we'll do 25 I picking the Richer eighty
percent and then I'll say DNA dollars
per kilo okay let's say this is our
hypothetical fun alright and the
supposed to look like in a per serving
basis you know obviously video if you
seem honest like I said these two
numbers right here I that taste lil bit
of research to get for googoo over a
pretty sure quickly how to get those and
so we'll go ahead and click noise and
then here we go it's giving you a
breakdown per bottle so tell you each
ingredient how much carrier is used per
bottle how much active ingredients are
being used and then the total amount
right here and then the overall price
per bottle so you can see for those
ingredients on the total bottle it's
going to come out just for the
ingredients about 67 cents then you can
also go up here click on per serving
it'll give you all this the rundown and
then also prime divided their the total
price is you need to know so carrier on
is sometimes a vitamin or an ingredient
we have to have a carrier included with
it in order to make it stable and so
lots of times on if you want to have a
certain amount of ingredients I'll say
like one gram it's going to come with a
percent carrier and so you have to
factor that into your costs I because
the total amount you're going to have to
buy is going to include that carrier so
that's why this is important come down
here towards his visualize your formula
there are three different ways you can
break it down I you can break it down by
different price so you can see here I
like biotin is I almost almost half our
costs and then how about you can also
break it down by weight to generate the
charts and then again here I'm he'll
give you a nice pie chart and then also
you can see how much I performed a lot
scarier and how much of this vacuum
videos so here we can see
if it is actually carrier only a small
percentage of his active okay and then
your costs down here this will give you
a breakdown of your costs how much your
video trinitas per bottle the total
amount of ingredients you can have to
buy this is the estimated quote this is
kind of a back-of-the-envelope
confidence and calculation how much you
probably expect your manufactured have
quoted by the bottle flip flops I the
product for you based off of how much is
going to cost and some other factors of
course at the amount going to have to
pay to them you're up front in 3d costs
which will go into later in this D total
amount you started which is the
combination of you mount your handed
pitcher manufacturer and you're up
cutting costs okay so let's go back here
so there are two questions people
typically have one is how do I know what
is the percent carrier that you have to
get from your suppliers and the Quality
Assurance talks on the second one is how
my I don't know what the price is going
to be in the price probably the best
thing you can do if you're not quite
sure would start is go to suppliers tab
right here ah go ahead and do that and
then I included a list of a wide range
of a pretty popular suppliers or
difference is it gives you their contact
information my guess is pretty much any
didn't you want can be found through one
of these guys and then over here is just
a brief introduction of my experience
with it what manifests of them are your
freaks may differ then also your some
listen manufacturers as well that I've
contacted been in contact with I had not
individually worked with all these guys
but i have been in contact with them
talk to their sales teams or sometimes
i've actually visited their cities and
whatnot and especially getting up to go
up and running now let's just go back so
again if you're not quite sure what to
do i contact those guys and you can get
the percent carrier from those docs and
also they'll give you a rough idea for
the prices as well and then
Louie added a few more things here 53
e85 this time I'm going to put us
aisource penis then you have to fill
this in let's just say it's 15 kilos
again this information will provided by
your suppliers that you can contact up
there and in the navigation bar and who
lets just think of something here ah
riboflavin 25 fifteen percent carrier
and let's say it is two hundred fifty
dollars and this one too I'll save me
let's say it's a 10 kilogram pack signs
and then the last one will do is yeah
let's say sp6 again fine six percent in
five dollars in lines so we went over
all this already we also know this on a
bring down the cost here you'll notice
here now there's actually a split
between the per bottle ingredient costs
for me and the Probot already cost for
the manufacture like watch the total
ingredient costs well the reason for
that is because as I'm sourcing some of
these ingredients myself and so
therefore some of the stuff I'm hanging
on my own in someone's being able to
manufacture that will also affect the
core bottle you're going to get from the
manufacture because they're not paying
for all the ingredients now
you'll also notice that my upfront
ingredient costs go way up because I
invite some of them myself in the total
amount of to get started also goes wake
up because in addition to paying amount
to the manufacturer i also have to spend
some money / ingredients with those pack
sizes that they have and this is the
total amount and then you'll be brought
down here hi first and information on
the actual meetings that you that you
bought yourself you'll see the total
cost per pack the packs required so the
total cost you notice these two right
here if you add them together Italy what
this right here this is how much you use
for your bond the amount left over and
then the bottles you're going to have
remaining after you're done with your
run at your current dosages okay so the
idea here is if you put this information
together you should have some very
decent ideas in a pretty granular view
of how much money is 1k to get started
and then with suppliers up here you
should be able to go ahead and contact
people get the ball rolling so i hope
this also thank you