How To Remove Waterproof Mascara

How To Remove Waterproof Mascara Video

How To Remove Waterproof Mascara Video Transcript

hello everyone this is sweet face 091
and i am back again this time oh we're
just doing the demonstration on how I
remove my makeup using my chamomile
timer from the bonnet I'm just putting
away some of my mascara that
demonstrated in my other review okay so
the first thing I use is one of these
cotton round front that I got from
Target I think it was other two dollars
three hours engine and it takes on the
chamomile ginger I makeup remover and I
just saturate it and it comes up just
like water so I really like first
ingredients war and then glycerin so
how to remove waterproof mascara
moving from in there here's my handy
mirror and basically what I'll be doing
on the turn the camera so you guys can
have a better idea and I'm just going to
press it I'm not but actually a little
bit more nice to be completely saturated
for the store because you're not only
trying to remove your eye makeup you're
also tried to remember the mascara
that's on your eyelet on your arm
eyelashes so you're just pressing this I
learn this technique for watching a
lovely sandwiches videos you want to
leave it there for a little while see
how much that circles aren't you just
how to remove waterproof mascara
pressing this in just loosening up some
of that um mascara
you see so much of the makeup is already
come off now I'm going to take a new pad
just because some of them toners going
into my eye I'm just gonna light that up
they also have a a lotion version of
this too and i'm going to try more up
there I army air but I'm romy car I
remove our products because I have um a
discount card with them basically if you
buy the card for ten dollars you get 10
per step off all your purchases from
there and now I don't think at the time
I was just really thinking mom I
how to remove waterproof mascara
discount that I was going to get on the
products i was buying that day when i
bought it um but it's not something i'd
really recommend unless you're there
someone who loves shopping there in a
constant like day-to-day basis know what
I'm going to do is I'm going to take a
q-tip and I'm going to pour subtle to
share some of the mascara zone to my
water lining have to shoot I got it was
gonna rub it into my hands on ah these
things happen to the tissue I kind of
wipe off my hand a little bit yes this
will be a good conditioner from my desk
to you I guess we'll be good concern for
how to remove waterproof mascara
wood on the soil so basically I poured a
little bit in there and just cap and i'm
just going to the q-tip i did the q-tip
it's basically what i do is that take
the q-tip i'm just running it along my
lash line i hope you guys couldn't see
you turn the countess someone commented
on how my my videos give them with blush
well i don't have a tripod just have a
good regular camera i can take pictures
don't have a camcorder and as a flip
screen don't have that and I don't
really think you need that when you're
starting off your videos I kind of feel
like the person who's making the videos
how to remove waterproof mascara
gets to decide
I'm just keeping this is the wet cotton
round that I wet before with the
chamomile and I'm just placing it on my
eyelash line
this is what I am discovered housemates
your who my the covergirl LashBlast
because the thing about covergirl lash
eyelashes the one that I use is on it's
waterproof because i can't use the
traditional formula and I've realized
too that a lot of other formula that is
I guess when it interacts with my body
chemistry they just automatically starts
starts to bleed
how to remove waterproof mascara
he was gonna come back into the cotton
round again
one mascara that I really really love
and I think I'm going to purchase it
because I got this coupon from ursa for
to take 20 for dollars off for yellow
purchase it is the deviation is earned
by Emma Jean and there it's 50 reg
mascara my father that's the only
mascara it doesn't um give me my co
times you can bleed into the skin and
also is the easiest to come off because
it comes off with warm water I do not
like the Maybelline double extend
how to remove waterproof mascara
mascara that's in the red and white tube
that does not work those tubes it just
is so hard and so prickly doesn't look
natural length the emachine Eugene just
blends right in with your mascara and
top of that you don't have to put on a
primer sandwich mascara school you don't
have to put a primer are you just gently
doing this because you don't want to
really vigorously rub it by your eye if
you like this acts like conditioner for
my lashes
sandwich just came off all right so I'm
going to take another cotton round you
can put some work that chamomile I hope
you guys were able to see me do own that
if I had the camera another person told
me in the comments I need a master need
to really learn how to use the camera
and yet they had no videos on their page
maybe they need to get a camera
giving my favorite toner and I'm going
to be your printer Samuel purchase it
tomorrow when I spend the forty dollars
at sephora is a shadow pureness I have
what um last year
but last year from TJ Maxx were told an
ID and I didn't know how much I would
fall in love with it and it's really
nice it's alcohol free it's so much to
say it off this mascara I'm related to
tell you like if you were if you wanted
to go to bed in a hurry you going to
sleep a lot of a scantron see how much
it's just one I we're still doing the
same I the time i get to the other i use
i'm so tired but you know so it still
remains and i'm going to eventually just
go over into this off look at that
that's just on one side
I'm just going to use one more q tip
and then after that
hopefully I've been framed this whole
time I hope they had not been done be so
bad you guys what I been able to see
everything alright so what most we're
getting there just means another q-tip
this is when I think my lashes my
eyelashes are very brittle man it just
takes up it takes so much effort take
off justice kara it's more effort than I
really think should it was that make up
the middle wipe it up I target which
they take one way thing around inside hi
I'm gonna take up the rest of my makeup
I'm going to take off the rest of man
the other I make us another side but
bitch just give you guys a little bit of
an idea of what I do and the time it
takes for me to my makeup bye guys good
luck and I hope you guys are able to use
this technique or just respond back with
how you take up your makeup down

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