How To Make A Boyfriend Happy

How To Make A Boyfriend Happy Video

How To Make A Boyfriend Happy Video Transcript

this is your girl enemy and you are
watching Melanie TV so today I wanted to
talk to you about jealous we've all been
there on both sides maybe i'm not really
the jealous type so I've been really
been on the other side but I've dealt
with a boyfriend that was extremely
jealous all the time checking on me
where you at calling me showing up at my
job showing up at my house like just to
make sure I'm not doing anything wrong
couldn't go out with my girlfriend guys
couldn't do nothing so today I'm going
to try to give you some tips about how
to deal with someone that's extremely
how to make a boyfriend happy
jealous first of all you need to ask
yourself am I ready to deal with
somebody that's that jealous do I care
for them enough for me to go the extra
mile to make them feel okay and maybe a
little less jealous if you're not going
to do that and if you don't think that's
your job and I'm not saying it is your
job but I think if you want to work it
out with that person you need to be
willing to do the little things that's
going to make them you're a little more
like at ease with what's happening
alright so I have maybe 10 tips so I'm
not going to try to talk too much time
how to make a boyfriend happy
alright so tip number one is that you
have to reassure them every day I know
in my videos tedious and annoying but
that would go a long way and that
doesn't take anything from you to do it
so pretty much to tell them i love you I
care for you or like doing like little
things that would make them happy you
know I know you're not your parents but
you gotta check it regularly let's say
you haven't talked to him or her for a
few hours or don't even let it go day
because that's going to be an issue but
like what two hours they might be
thinking about you and be like call this
how to make a boyfriend happy
motherfucker Jaden it is not yet hitting
me at all do not even and they might not
even hit you up just because they're
like okay they don't want to come off as
but if you go out of your way and check
in and be like hey babe what are you
doing I was just thinking about you I'm
about to go to the gym can't wait to see
you at home tonight or can't wait to
hang out tonight whatever the case is
that would go a long way and I didn't
take any real energy out of you
ameritech so a little phone call
whatever the case is just checkin just
how to make a boyfriend happy
so they're here that you're not with
somebody else of anything wrong who
knows but that's another side you have
to show them that they can trust you
because that's why they're jealous is
because they have very high insecurities
and they cannot trust nobody so if you
show them that they can trust you like
not only on like I'm a relationship
level but like it's just you hey can you
do with this for me Megan you say yet
make sure you do it because that's a
sign of like okay when I asking for
something you can do it that's a sign of
trust to another girl things like that
how to make a boyfriend happy
it's not hard it's just like you kind of
have to go out of your way to make them
feel any more special ok so when that's
the hard cause when they get upset and
come at you yeah hey you're a cheater
like you look at this girl this way like
kind of like blaming you for everything
don't yell at them don't say anything
crazy pretty much let them get it out
let them talk about what they need to
talk about and then you respond when you
respond respond like in a calm calm
manner I just don't favor them don't do
anything too drastic just talk to them
and we assure them that that wasn't it
how to make a boyfriend happy
like okay we're jealous people you have
to be extremely gentle so she'll be
gentle be nice don't be aggressive and
yeah they won't start won't work for
them because that's gonna make them on
another level of like jealousy because
they're going to turn it
oh so now you're mad at me because I'm
calling you out but you shouldn't be man
if he wasn't doing anything so pretty
much now it's your fault for getting mad
you being defensive to go to the zoo
don't do that just be nice the gentle
also to not call them crazy they might
be crazy because they might be seeing
how to make a boyfriend happy
stuff that you don't even see that you
don't even care about but this year and
you're like that it is straight-up crazy
don't tell her cuz then she may be that
also 89 and you're telling me I'm crazy
you don't see anything that's happening
minor don't even go there it's not worth
it if you want to play with her it's not
what since they have trust issues do not
like them because if you lie to them
they're gonna find out they're gonna
start like snooping around and go
through your phone and you almost of
like James Bond shit to find out or what
the world detective shit or anything
like that to find out so they will find
out so don't lie just be honest also on
that same thing is don't hide anything
from them so if you hired are going to
be like well why don't you tell me why
this why that you know and again it's
not fair to you cos I don't feel like
when you're in a relationship that you
have to say everything you're doing or
sharing every everything but they sound
like that they feel like they need to
know everything you're doing on your
business is there so you have to do with
that so don't hide anything just love
them by let's say there is a crazy
situation and they get jealous out of
control you need to sit them down and
tell them every occasion that they did
it but again very in a very gentle
so they don't get offended don't yell go
call them crazy don't do none of that
but you get a check down still because
your life cannot be like a living hell
just because you're trying to not get
mad or anything so just tell them and
hopefully they understand and I can get
a little better and i think my last
point would be make sure that you insure
them at all time once a day maybe that
they have nothing to worry about that
you love them and you're always going to
be there for them and you just want them
that's what they're asking for pretty
much because they're jealous and it's
just like 60 that they have something
good and they don't want nobody to take
that away from them and they just love
you and I know it sounds crazy some time
and they be acting crazy to not tell
them that but it's just love and it just
can't handle it and also it's just like
we don't know what the adventure before
they might have been cheated on and lie
to so now they're like nah nobody else
is gonna do this to me did you lose imma
find out so just be honest you're
willing to go the extra mile to make
them happy to make them feel special so
they know you're not going nowhere and
who knows maybe they are gonna give you
a little crack maybe that's another 100
potential but you gotta give it a try if
you really want to make that work with
that person that's all i hope i helped
you out and if that person is too crazy
to the point like it gets physical or
anything like that just kill her nothing
but right
cause it's never going to adjustment

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