How To Learn Languages Fast

How To Learn Languages Fast Video

How To Learn Languages Fast Video Transcript

have you been trying to learn Arabic for
years you don't know how you keep
flopping you lack motivation you failed
your exams you go from course to course
this videos for you as-salaam wa alaykum
wa rahmatullah I mean here with Sarah
masters developing the Muslim mindset
for success now you know as a Muslim you
need to know Arabic it's extremely
important just some of the you know the
main benefits are that you are going to
be able to understand Allah Allah's word
in the Quran like never before you know
it there is no comparison between the
translation and the real must have the
how to learn languages fast
most half is the words of Allah and this
is a translation by a human being you
cannot say you cannot accept to just
purely understand the the English
translation or whatever language
translation for the rest of your life if
you're a Muslim you don't even have the
ambition to understand Allah's words as
they are as they were revealed that's a
shame you're missing out on connecting
with Allah when you connect to the Lord
directly your Eman would increase your
good deeds will increase in sha Allah
and your likelihood of going to general
increases is as simple as that okay
how to learn languages fast
another reason is in your Salah you're
going to understand what you're saying
to a deeper level you're going to
concentrate better in your prayer
especially in Ramadan when you're
praying to Allah where you're standing
sometimes for 10 20 minutes at a time
listening to this Quran do you want that
to go to waste do you want to just be
standing there yes you're getting
rewards in Charlotte but you're not
understanding the words the Imam is say
the third reason is that when you read
when you understand Arabic you can dive
into the Arab world okay this is
how to learn languages fast
extremely important for a Muslim whether
they're Arab or non Arab firstly you get
access to all Arab books okay Arab books
about Islamic topics and about
non-islamic topics for example there are
poems about the fall of Al Andalus right
back in the day when the Muslims were
being pushed
out of Al Andalus by the Christians okay
people wrote poems people wrote I'm sure
biographies people wrote stories of what
happened history books of what happened
if you don't know Arabic you don't have
access to that most of these go
untranslated and a lot of the time the
how to learn languages fast
translation is not of a high quality
either right so you you're gonna be able
to go right to those sources now that's
one type of book the other is Islamic
studies books right it's a cycle farting
so hate Muslim abu dole you know you're
gonna be able to go to the hadith
directly read them you're gonna be able
to read the commentary you're gonna be
able to read all these great books of
which there are hundreds and thousands
of them just sitting in libraries ready
for you to pick up and read okay so you
get access to all of that now on top of
that you get access to Arab culture
how to learn languages fast
itself and the mannerisms of people not
to mention a whole load of countries
that you can now visit and not just as a
tourist but kind of as a local in a way
you know and that's a cooler way of
experiencing a country now on the
culture point Arabs are very very
heavily influenced by Islam because
they've had it for so long some things
isn't got ingrained in the culture and
this is the same with non Arab cultures
as well but I feel after you know
observing that Arab culture is very
heavily influenced especially the
countries that were not colonized and
how to learn languages fast
they've you know they've been Muslim
since the beginning you know for example
in the in the Arabian Peninsula their
culture is very Islamic a lot of the
time okay and so that's something you're
gonna be able to be part of you'll be
able to interact with these people
easily because you know their language
you need to hopefully pick up some of
the been the good mannerisms and you
know the bad mannerism of course
everyone has them just put them to the
side so these are some of the reasons
you know there are many more to to learn
Arabic but now you might have tried
how to learn languages fast
studying and you flopped you just
stopped after a bit you tried studying
you found it too hard
you never got on the consistent rhythm
you never found a course that you found
was good enough for you etc so how do
you do what's the what's the hack what's
the how do you get around this
you're not gonna spend your whole life
starting and stopping different courses
and you certainly cannot just give up on
learning Arabi so here is my you know
proposal for you once a year whenever
you have holiday especially if your
students yeah I love your student this
how to learn languages fast
is very easy if your student save us
save a little bit of money yeah and one
time per year in your summer holidays or
whatever holidays spend one month in an
Arab country don't go with friends and
family don't go with people who are
gonna speak to you in English right go
and ideally go and live with a family or
put yourself in a position where you're
forced to speak Arabic and and start to
understand Arabic this is the quickest
way and the most foolproof way to learn
Arabic how much effort do you have to
put when you're sitting in a class and
studying all these rules a lot of effort
how to learn languages fast
you need consistent motivation over time
how much effort do you need to be
sitting in a room with other people they
don't know English and you've just got
to communicate with them it's all good
if you don't communicate with them you
don't get what you want if you don't
communicate with them you can't eat if
you don't communicate with them so that
is that is something I would definitely
suggest for you to do after if you spend
one whole month there and these people
do not speak English you're forced to
learn Arabic it starts bentham in Arabic
bit by bit by bit of people gonna laugh
how to learn languages fast
at you right but you're gonna laugh or
you be we're gonna point at you
especially if you're not Harold you know
you're you're weird over there right
but after year two or three you're gonna
get it you're gonna have it and why do I
say this is because this this happen
this is the example right here okay
yes I'm half hour up yes I did learn
Arabic here and there when I was growing
up but it didn't stick at the age of
twelve eleven twelve I went to Algeria I
went to my home country without my
parents without anyone that spoke
English I stayed there one month after
how to learn languages fast
one month palace I spoke Arabic I could
say what pretty much what I wanted to
to my family to people there okay year
two I had forgotten II came back after
about a week of refreshing I was back in
the zone year three didn't really need
refreshing year four I just never forget
anymore right so this is this is my
suggestion for you
now there's another suggestion I have
honestly I don't know if it's as isn't
it's definitely not as realistic and
that is to marry someone who speaks
Arabic okay it you know you might think
how to learn languages fast
oh you know I want to marry someone for
their personality I don't know I don't I
don't think it's a big deal to part one
of the reasons you marry someone is
because they speak Arabic that's
definitely that's a very good thing I
would say as a Muslim because it
guarantee almost guarantees your kids
are gonna speak out of it here's
extremely important do you want your
kids to have the same struggles you have
not knowing Arabic do you want your kids
to grow up not understanding the Quran
like you did well then if you marry
someone who speaks Arabic fluently you
guarantee that that your kids will speak
Arabic okay now that the the complicated
part here is if you marry someone who
speaks Arabic and they speak English are
you gonna pick up Arabic that's that's
again it's going to require some effort
he's going to require more effort than
than the other proposal I gave to you
which was to go to the country one one
month per year for rent on a regular
basis but he's an option you know it
could work definitely but just back to
my original proposal it's it's the least
effort required because you're forced
into situation you dive in the deep end
you might say it's expensive it's this
it's that and there's nowhere to go look
there are plenty of places to go and you
might also say oh but I won't learn
Quran Quranic Arabic over there that
doesn't matter
don't worry about that trust me people
claim Algerian Arabic is not real Arabic
but I learned Algerian Arabic and it
helped me a lot with my Quran
understanding of Quran right not to
mention once you've learnt Egyptian
Arabic Algerian Arabic Libyan Arabic
Jordanian era once you've learnt that
you're gonna you then you can go and
take a course as well
get all your grammar rules in place and
it's gonna be way easier way way easier
okay so the I don't I can't really see
any excuses to this unless you just
purely are not determined enough you
know just save a bit of money ghost on
my cheap like Egypt is crazy cheap many
countries are very cheap visa shouldn't
be a problem and just benefit one whole
month immerse yourself right this is the
dream of someone to learn a language is
to immerse themselves in the culture in
the language right it's the easiest way
because you don't have to get up and
write notes and do exams you're just
just by living there you're gonna have
to pick up on the language so I thought
is something very practical something
that everyone has a trouble with a lot
of people have trouble with and I've got
a real kind of success story if you like
because my Arabic it is you know very
good at handling in terms of I
understand the Quran more and more and
more and more and you know years ago I
didn't so it's not like I completely
grew up with it you know
so you can do it to inshallah the amount
of people I've known who said I'm
learning Arabic or I want to learn
Arabic or when I go or when I get a job
in the Middle East they mean UAE usually
or Saudi I'll learn Arabic no this is
gonna be a bigger guarantee who knows if
you're you've been go to courses for
years you didn't learn anything you you
stopped courses you say when I get a job
there but you didn't get a job there so
if you just make it a holiday one month
per year I would say at least one month
right because you need to be immersed in
it for long enough because it takes
about a week or two to really get used
to things and start picking up on stuff
then you up the two weeks of really
improving so this is my suggestion for
this week hope you enjoyed it very
practical and hopefully in a few years
time I'm gonna get some emails of people
saying hey what's your video you know
maybe I was I was a bit hesitant I
didn't know I was I didn't know if I
should really believe it'll work but I
gave it a try and you know what now I
can pretty much understand the Quran I
hope I get those emails in sha Allah
thanks for watching this video
my alaikum WA Rahmatullah Vallejo
rahmani raheem alhamdulillahi rabbil
alameen wa sallahu wa salam are enormous
medina he won and he was happy he
remained assalamu alaikum wa
rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu welcome to
lesson number three of the video series
arabic grammar for understanding the
Quran in Lesson number two I introduced
the idea of Obama in al-muazzama which
are the standalone personal pronouns and
we learned a lesson number two about the
singular albemarle
illumina they are huah-yeah anta aunty
and anna and we also learned how to
conjugate the form one verb into the
past tense for the singular pronouns now
in Shaolin this lesson we're going to
continue our discussion of album a or
album false Allah by adding the plural
pronouns and we're going to learn how to
conjugate the form one verb into the
past tense for these plural pronouns and
finally we're going to learn how to
negate the past tense and this is done
in a very simple and straightforward
manner as we shall see the shell mall so
let us begin just as a brief review of
BA MA it is a term referring to the
personal pronouns in Arabic and we
learned that albama
it can be broken down into two
categories number one we have Obama or
alumina which are the standalone
personal pronouns and number two we have
Obama in L mu pasilla which are the
personal pronouns and here are some
examples of stand-alone personal
pronouns we have hua Kia whom and Anna
and examples of attached personal
pronouns are Fiji Leanna whoo whoo whoo
whoo and kita boo hoo and I mentioned in
lesson number two that Obama of
Methuselah can play a wide variety of
different roles and functions and they
can have different meanings depending on
what the word depending on which word
the pronoun is attached to but for now
our discussion will focus
on Obama or Al Mualla the standalone
personal pronouns here is a chart of
Albemarle Mozilla again the headings
tell us the person the number and the
gender and we learn about these pronouns
under the singular column who means he
here means she anta means you masculine
ante means you feminine and ana means I
and Ana works for both genders now this
lesson we're going to fill in the plural
column and I deliberately chose not to
discuss the dual pronouns because
frankly the dual isn't used to often in
Arabic right the dual is used only in
very specific situations in which you
have to two individuals or two objects
so the plural and the singular pronouns
are much more relevant so here are the
plural Obama in album Faustina the
third-person pronouns third-person
plural pronouns are whom and Hoonah whom
and Hoonah they both mean they Punda is
used to refer to a group of females so
if you have a crowd of female
individuals you would refer to them as
una whom is used to refer to a group of
males or a mixed gathering so gathering
in which there are female individuals as
well as male individuals so you have
both men and women in a crowd you will
use the pronoun whom that's just the way
it works in Arabic the second person
pronouns are unto and Antuna second
person plural pronouns unto men unto net
which means you all you all when you're
referring to a crowd of people you're
addressing them directly now again if
you have a group of females exclusively
you would use Antuna when you're talking
to them so if you're talking to your mom
your sister and your daughter you'll use
Antuna but if you're referring to a
mixed group if you're talking
directly to a mixed group in which there
are males and females you'll use the
pronoun unto just as you would if you
are addressing a group of males and
lastly we have the pronoun Avenue which
means we and there is no gender
differentiation for narrative so again
the pronouns are whom Hoonah and these
two means they and to man Antuna which
means you are an avenue which means we
now let's take a look at some examples
of these pronouns taken from the Quran
Allah says in verse number 39 of so to
when leve knock FL who work at that will
be a Yeti now Iike I'll stab now roofie
her horny do the pronoun is alia is whom
over here and the translation of this
area is roughly one lady naka fabric and
that will be a latina and those who
disbelieve and deny or reject our signs
una iike Abu now those are the people of
hellfire whom via Holly duvet which is
what who means they will dwell or live
in it forever whom V ha ha leading and
this is a phrase that comes up again and
again in the Quran goofy huh Holly noon
whom V haha lead in example number two
is a segment taken from verse number 187
a sort of Bakura and this short sentence
is referring to the relationship between
spouses in Allah so Allah is describing
a relationship of mercy and intimacy and
compassion his hanuta anna says who know
the best like when one whom the Bears
who love who so the standalone pronouns
are una and and whom unda and entombed
and Hoonah is the all feminine pronoun
this is referring to the wives so Allah
is saying they referring to the females
the wives we basilicum they are a
garment for you were unto the best
Lagoon and you are garment for them and
you again
you-all is the masculine plural form so
this is referring to the husband's so
Allah is speaking to the male's the
husband's and saying they're your wives
are a garment for you and you are
garment for them so we have a very nice
contrast of gender for the two different
types of pronouns who know the bathroom
well under the bus with love example
number three alia number 50 from Sultan
Allah says well if I walk on their big
blue moon they're about that and yeah in
my I'll walk on that and fear Allah and
Allah is speaking to Bennie is wrong in
the children of Israel in this ayah
Allah saying and remember when we split
the ocean for you and we saved you and
we drowned the people a fit around the
followers of your around while you were
watching what unto me tell us the rule
basically Allah says we split the ocean
for you we saved you and we drowned fit
around the people fill out all before
your eyes and you watch the entire scene
unfold before your eyes the pronoun in
this area is unto which is you all and
that's because Allah and know that Allah
is talking directly to bani israel to
the children of israel an example number
four is ayah number 23 taken from surah
number 76 allah saying allah says in a
núñez del net in a núñez de la
concorde an attends ela and another
verse allah says in nana noonas an
avocado another who the harvesting so in
this ayah allah saying in a new indeed
it is we who sent or revealed
Hanyu the horrid tanzeel a gradually in
stages and parts the pronoun here is not
new so allah subhanallah either refers
to himself in the quran using the
pronoun national which is plural and
that doesn't mean allah is wearable it
doesn't mean that allah is plural this
is the Royal way the Royal way which is
the same way that Kings used to address
themselves it is the we of greatness and
so Allah spawn Tyrande uses the pronoun
Avenue because of his majesty and his
greatness now in sexually number 2 we're
going to learn how to conjugate the form
one verb into the past tense for the
plural pronouns that we just learned in
Lesson number two we learned how to
conjugate for the singular pronouns who
are he and tell aunty and Ana and in
this slide I'm going to quickly review
these conjugation patterns so we learned
that the form one verb can be of three
different types we can have ferony or
ferony or férula
and there are verbs that follow the
pattern furada like the hada there are
verbs are followed hanahuna
like tabula or solver one and the ribs
are fall upon the férula like shahida
and each of these can be called a form
one verb because the form 1 verb allows
variation on the haruka for the middle
root letter so how is he a conjugated we
add it to the end tat Sakina so we have
here an eyelet here furrow let and here
ferry let for unter we add a turn to the
end interferometer and turf Arunta
and enter for elta for untii we added T
to the N and - t and efferent e + NT
syringae and lastly for Ana we add a -
to the end an affair on to another une -
and Ana
Farren - so the past tense conjugation
changes occur on the end of the verb so
we look at the end of the verb now we're
going to learn the conjugation patterns
for the plural pronouns and they are
whom Hoonah entomb Antuna enakku and
we're going to focus on one pronoun at a
time and conjugate across the row for
all three variations of the form one
verb and as we focus on each pronoun I'm
going to conceal the other four just so
that our chart doesn't get too cluttered
and messy so let's begin with whom which
means they so for ferony the whom
conjugation is farrell ooh ferrule ooh
notice how we added Obama on to the end
on to the last letter and then we added
a while Sakina so we elongate the who
sounds fair Alou and then we add an
eyelift to the end
what does is a let's do it doesn't
change the phonetics it doesn't change
the pronunciation it's simply a marker
it simply tells us that the verb is
conjugated for whom varalu for fair
enough we have the same change we have
fair rule ooh Obama on the last letter
followed by a well Serena for an
elongation and then for fair Allah again
same change
varalu so we have whom Farrell ooh whom
Farrell ooh or whom Farrell ooh now on
to Hoonah which means they referring to
a group of females we have Farrell net
so notice how he put a sukoon on top of
the lab on top of the last letter and
then we added a noon to the end who
Nirvana and this noon matches the noon
in Hoonah une affaire Ana
so the verb Farrell now we have Hoonah
Karuna and for fair alert we have Hoonah
Farrell 'no and to which means you are
for far alert we have the island tomb
and tune finale tune so we're adding a
tomb to the end of the verb and this
tomb matches the tomb in the pronoun so
there is a direct relationship it
mirrors the pronoun and tomb Farrell
tomb and to Pharaoh's tomb and unto her
into priest report and tuna which means
you are referring to a group of females
for fella
we have an tuna fatty tuna and tuna
Allatoona and again just like unto
mountain and tuna found tuna the tuna
matches the tuna in the pronoun for far
along we have thought ruining tuna and
for fair Allah we have ferrule tuna and
finally for nanu which means we we have
found now we're adding a noon with an
Aleph ferony nanu ferony and nanu Ferran
so here's the full chart I want to pull
your attention to one small observation
and that is for Hoonah we have who never
aDNA and nanu Sarna the only difference
is therefore not new we have an Aleph at
the end otherwise these two would sound
exactly alike so make sure if you're
conjugating for nanu to distinguish the
verb by elongating at the end just a
little bit so Hoonah found that not a
new fan like that and we don't need to
memorize everything we just need to
memorize one column so most people
memorize the patterns were fair Allah
because this is very simple it's easy to
say who are fair Allah and you will
memorize the rest whom Farrell ooh una
phantom phantom and tuner Altoona
national van
and once you've internalized and
understood the endings that changes to
the endings of these verbs you can
basically apply these changes to any
type of verb at this point let's go
through the conjugation for three
different verbs and we're going to fill
in the chart for both the singular and
the plural pronouns so the first verb is
aunt Ella which means he killed aunt
Ella to conjugate for whom they killed
we would say author Lou author Lou
she killed here oughta let Hoonah
they killed una Catalina and hospitality
and hotel two empty bottle tea and tuna
or tuna an important to National Hotel
now notice how for the second person the
conjugation patterns are very intuitive
because the word rhymes with the pronoun
and Kappa Delta tanta and the totality
TNT and whom hotel room and tuna hotel
tuna so the sound the phonetic
similarities help us memorize the
conjugation forms for the second person
and everything else you need to memorize
and with practice is should come
it should come easily verb number two we
have shahida following the pattern
Darla's with the customer on the middle
root who was Shahi that means he
witnessed they witnessed whom shall he
do here she witnessed here Shahi that
Hoonah they Shahid not untouched HIDTA
and whom Shahid tomb and tisha Haiti and
to nasha hid tuna an Asha hit to nanu
shahid net and rope number three caveat
which falls the form ferony with Obama
in the middle
who are Cibola means she was big or
great or he became bigger great
so who a kebab or whom taberu he kappa
waaat who knock a burner and tell Kubota
and whom kaboom to antica booty and tuna
taboo tuna and a kebab - and nanu Kabana
so hopefully these three conjugation
exercises in which we've conjugated all
three variants of the form one verb for
the singular and the plural pronouns
hopefully these exercises made you feel
a bit more comfortable with conjugation
in the past tense now in this slide I'm
going to show you some verbs that belong
to higher forms so forms 2 through 10 as
well as some verbs that are form one but
irregular but keep in mind that the past
tense conjugation rules which we learned
in the last lesson as well as in this
lesson apply to all verbs so adding a 2
or a tan or a tea or tomb or tuna
whatever it is these changes which work
for the form one word they work for any
verb in Arabic even if you don't know
what the verb means you can tell how it
is being conjugated for example you have
it Taha'a ooh we don't know the form we
don't know the meaning but we notice how
the ending has been elongated with the
sound and we see the other if it tahoe
do is conjugated for whom willing to
hear the term this is conjugated for
unto a slam that we see the short noon
this is conjugated for Hoonah own to net
has a tuna
this is conjugated for an tuna in top
aloo is conjugated for who just like it
tahajud avoiding that we see a long nap
a noon for that a leaf this conjugation
a clue
- aha - we hear the - just a pontoon
this is conjugate for unto me and whom
to a hunting partner like Elena this
country for national and some lady tuna
is conjugated for an tuna because of the
tuna at the end so again once you've
learned to recognize the morphological
changes corresponding to past tense
conjugation and those changes happen at
the end of the verb you can basically
tell how that verb is being conjugated
even if you don't know the verbs meaning
so tough for batum is a form v verb some
lady tuna is a firm - verb in tap Alou
is a form 8 verb so regardless of form
again regardless of form or regularity
these past tense conjugation rules apply
to any verbal section number 3 we're
going to learn how to negate the past
tense so there are actually two ways to
negate the past tense and in this lesson
we're going to learn one of those ways
and that is you simply add ma in front
of the verb simply add ma in front of
the past tense verb so for example we
have the haba
which means he went they had a de Heba
he went to negate that we add Matt in
front so we have Matt de Heba he didn't
go we can say the hub - I went to negate
that we would say neither have - which
means I didn't go I didn't go now one of
caution there are many different types
of man in Arabic so this type of man is
called Matt and Navya
Matt and a fear which is the man for
negation you can have Matt obeah man of
Afiya Manas Aida melissamia madam ole
sulla etc there are different types of
math and they each have different
specific usage so negating the past is
only one type of usage so just keep that
in mind so now we're going to take a
look at some examples of conjugated
verbs from the Quran and these are verbs
for the plural pronouns example number
one and we saw this a few slides ago
this is ayah number 39 for Sultan Allah
Allah says while Lavina cthulhu while
Cathy bubier yeah Tina who let you kiss
her now who feel Holly do Allah says and
those who disbelieved and rejected our
signs they are those are the people of
hellfire and they will dwell in it
forever so two verbs in this area are
Cthulhu and Kat vibhut so we hear the
ruh sound at the end of the verb what
leve now Cathal who work at Babu that
tells us the verbs are conjugated for
whom right they example number two is
verse number 50 from Sultan Fatih which
we also saw a few slides ago and this
verse Allah is saying to Bani Israel
what if our economy kumo Baraka and Jane
a cool well rock on that and after our
never-ending town the room so the verbs
in this area are Faulkner and Jana and
I'll rock on that and these verbs are
conjugated for nanu for we because we
have the na the long na the noon fall by
an elephant at the end of each of these
verbs because Allah Allah Allah is
speaking and he's referring to himself
which is why these verbs are conjugated
for the Royal we well if fell upon that
and remember when we quit when we split
the ocean for you and we saved you and
we drowned the followers of it around
while you are watching so the verb in
the middle is for nje Naraku
oops take a closer look here we have a
fur in the front and then we have a comb
at the end so don't worry about these
attachments that is simply like
conjunction and chrome is an attached
pronoun in this case it's an objective
pronoun so we're going to learn about
this in the
future but in the middle we have angina
which is a verb and it's conjugated for
Naju example number three is taken from
alia number 32 from Salta Azad Swan
number 33 Allah says yeah and he said
and be ye less tunic I had the mean and
Nyssa Allah and know that Allah is
addressing the wives of the Prophet
sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Allah says o
women of the Prophet or all wives of the
Prophet less to neck ahead Ameen and me
say you are not like anyone from other
women meaning you are special you are
not just any ordinary women and the verb
here is less tuna less tuna we have tuna
at the end so we know this conjugate for
unn tuna you are referring to a group of
women because a las montañas dressing
is addressing the wives of the Prophet
SAW la rasilla and this is a very
special verb because the verb is
actually Lysa who are Lysa and it's
conjugation is a bit irregular and the
verb means not so this is saying all
wives the Prophet you are not you are
not like any of the other women so the
conjugation is for the past tense but
the meaning is for the present tense and
that's basically how the the verb laser
works example number four a Leah number
28 taking restaurant number 69 man el
buana I'm me man Leah
Matt Warner I'm me man yeah so this is
an example of negating the past and
negation we have Matt in front of a past
tense verb l-lynette and this is
basically saying the people who on a day
judgment will receive their book in
their left hands will say our wealth
didn't help us our wealth our money
didn't help or assist us in any way
man album now I need Malviya an example
number 5 is
verse number fifty from Surat enamel so
numbers 27 Allah says while Mecca boom
economic Rama whom they yesh the
translation is and they plotted a plot
and we plotted a plot and they didn't
perceive it or they didn't realize this
is a very very nice verse because we
have the repetition of macabre we have
very nice contrast Winnetka boom
economic wrong yes and we know the
meaning because Mecca a rule is
conjugated for whom and they plotted
warm a coruña and we plotted a las
montañas referring to himself and we
plotted a plot while they didn't
perceive it so they didn't even know it
and we were plotting a plot now here is
a slightly longer example verse number
57 from surah allah says lavaloon a
haiku moon or man and what ends and the
cumin man never said we're blooming
polybag email was upon l1 l1 and we're
lacking can Allah is talking to beneath
all in again to the children of Israel
in this area Allah says while valid now
I'm a criminal Nana and we made the
cloud a shadow over you so we shadowed
you with the cloud what and then there I
lay cumin Magna was silver and we sent
upon you or we sent to you manna which
is a special type of food and a Salwa
which is quail meat quails coulomb
employee Becky Nawaz upon elcome eat
from the good and lawful things which we
provided you one malvada muna were
lacking can you inform me of the moon
and they did not roll us but rather they
themselves so let's take a look at the
verbs in this area at least the verbs
that we've learned how to conjugate we
have one love nap which is conjugated
for not new because Allah is speaking he
is referring to himself saying we made
the cloud al Hama a shadow or a cover
over you while vana our lake hamana what
and then and we sent it is conjugate for
nanu again we sent to you Manawa said WA
and then we have was up on a loom again
conjugate for nanu you see the net at
the end of these verbs eat from the good
lawful things which we provided you and
then we have Matt and Nephi a that not
for negation over here one malvada Munna
and they didn't wronged us so here is
past tense verb voila
now notice how the NA here is not really
the same now as the nut in these three
verbs it's true that this man's a
pronoun but it's actually acting as an
objective pronoun it's a direct object
so voila
Munna they wronged us this is over here
then now it serves a different purpose
it's for the NA here's for conjugation
the now here is as an attachment serving
as an object but the verb is actually a
vulgar mu which means they did the act
of Varma they oppressed and the man in
front negates that so they didn't
oppress us while a keen canoe and
formula mu
now the mahir is not for negation so
this is an example of the man it's
called man L know sulla it means that or
which so eat from the good things that
we provide for you or which we provide
for you
and we have the verb Kanu which means
they were but in this case it's it's
conjugated for whom and it goes together
with a verb yelled the moon and we'll
learn about this usage in the future
lesson while lacking canoe and formula
moon but they were wrong themselves ok
these are the first two verses from
Surat Muhammad Allah says Allah Dina
Cthulhu also do and sabili llahi' Alana
Amanda who those who disbelieved and
blocked the path of Allah blocked others
from path of Allah Allah Allah
our mother whom Allah made their deeds
worthless and void
so all avoided their good deeds made
their deeds useless so the verbs in this
verse are Cthulhu and some do and these
are conjugated for whom for whom now
notice how these verbs are in the past
tense but the ends meaning but the
meaning of this verse can be for the
present tense so even though the
conjugation is in the past tense the
meaning because that is how the Quran
works sometimes we have eleven el
cathode which means those who disbelieve
and those who impede others from path of
Allah Allah will make their deeds
useless that's the meaning but the
conjugation is for the past tense and it
is for whom when Lavina a memoir aminos
Lani happy well I'm Anubha Manos illa
Allah muhammadun will help you mill rob
behemoth Duran from say ELT him
Catherine who say at him will Sneha
Bella who Allah says and those who
believe and do good deeds and believe in
that which was sent upon Muhammad
well who will help you and that is the
truth from their Lord Catherine on whom
say ye add to him their bad deeds or
walked away I wiped away and removed
will also had a devil and he has
fixed or improved or corrected their
states or situation so in this verse we
have the verbs and menu and there are me
Lu again they're conjugated for whom but
the meaning so that the conjugation is
for the past tense but the meaning can
be applied for the present so those who
believe and do good deeds alladhina
amanu where I mean in solidarity and
this is repeated a lot in the Quran well
I mean you and believe in what was sent
upon Muhammad what will happen will Rob
be him and it is the truth from their
Lord so we're coming to a close here and
before we end I want to address a very
common question that gets asked by a lot
of students and that is how do I get
faster a conjugation you know I want to
conjugate verbs without thinking or I
want to be able to listen to verbs that
are being conjugated and immediately
know what the speaker is talking about
so the answer to this question is
practice you need to practice a lot so
what you want to do is you take a verb
any verb and then you just conjugate it
meaning you conjugate it for each
pronoun in both writing and speech so
you would write out the conjugations and
you would say the conjugation out loud
so you want to hear yourself say the
conjugation and then you repeat this
same process with another verb and then
you do 10 verbs a day so 10 is an
arbitrary number but my point is you
want to do a lot okay that could be 10
15 or 20 verbs a day and every time you
learn a new verb you want to conjugate
it fully you want to go through the
conjugation cycle that charts you want
to fill out that chart at least once for
that particular verb so here's a very
useful document here is the link and
this document is called 80% of organic
words so this is chart number 15 we have
a list of form 1 verbs and each column
gives us a particular form so call
number 1 is the past tense and then we
have the present tense
call number three is the command form
and then we have the isn't Farion which
is the doer the doer form and then we
have the muscle of the verbal noun so we
haven't learned these four yet so we're
gonna ignore those those for now and
we're just going to focus on the past
tense column and over here is the number
of times that verb appears in the Quran
you're going to take one verb at a time
and conjugated fully it just for example
we have Jala who are Jala whom John Doe
here Gillette Oona Joanna antigen Tintin
John tomb auntie auntie and tuna John
tuna and a John Doe nanu Jana and you
will of course write out those
conjugations so that is the type of
practice I'm referring to here is the
review for lesson number three in this
lesson we learned the following album a
lucilla we learned that whom means they
Hoonah means they when we referring to
Cooper females and tuned for you all and
tuna for you all again to a group of
females and not new for we and we
learned the following past tense
conjugation rules whom Farrell ooh una
Fonda and tuna fatty tuna and tuna Anton
nanofarad na and lastly to negate a past
tense verb we add a man before it this
is the end of lesson number three thank
you for watching

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