How To Have Twins Baby Video
How To Have Twins Baby Video Transcript
how to raise your chances of havingtwins part 1 understanding your current
chances understand that the average
person's chance of having twins is about
3% not so high but you are probably not
average if you have any of the below
your chance increases if you have a lot
or all of the below your chance
increases a lot know that older women
are less likely to get pregnant but if
they do they are more likely to have
twins the older you are the more likely
you are to have twins if you are around
40 your chance is substantially higher
around seven percent at 45 if you can
get pregnant the odds are about
seventeen percent part2 easy things to
increase your chances take your vitamins
people low on nutrition are less likely
to have twins all vitamins are good but
folic acid supplements are proven to
increase your chances you can get them
at any pharmacy folic acid is now
recommended for all pregnant women as
well it prevents further defects however
you don't want to take more than 1,000
milligrams a day be well nourished and
eat certain foods overall underweight
people are less likely to have twins
consume dairy and yams there are foods
that are possibly linked to better
chances of twins insulin-like growth
factor igf which is produced in the
livers of cows is believed to be the
chemical instigator in this phenomenon
many doctors are skeptical that the yams
have anything to do with twins stop
birth control pills right before