How To Factory Reset An Iphone Without Itunes

How To Factory Reset An Iphone Without Itunes Video

How To Factory Reset An Iphone Without Itunes Video Transcript

how's it going YouTube today I'll be
showing you guys how to do a factory
hard reset on an iPhone 5 so as you can
tell I as you can see I'm connected to
my laptop I am connected to iTunes on my
iTunes page up and when you get that
there is a s for the passcode hold down
the home button and the power button I
hold it in the power slide pops up I
keep holding it keep holding it even
through this point both of them are held
down I wait for the Apple to pop up I
release the power button and continue to
hold and when you get to this screen I
release both of them so and then from
how to factory reset an iphone without itunes
here once you're at this point you
transfer over to the laptop or your
computer and it says I I Tunes has a tag
that an iPhone and recovery mode you
must restore this iPhone but it can so
you can use it with iTunes you hit OK
and there's a restore iphone option
select that then it will a little pop up
screen will pop up and ask you are you
sure you want to restore the iPhone
you're going to lose all of your
information all your media and other
data will be erased and you hit restore
an update and from this point the phone
will start loading it'll usually takes
how to factory reset an iphone without itunes
about 10-15 minutes for it to delete the
old of the old information and reinstall
the new software so that's how that
works and if you guys have any questions
any other quite any questions comments
feel free to leave them if this helped
you out this video helped you out please
like so thank you and have a nice day

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