How To Deworm A Cat

How To Deworm A Cat Video

How To Deworm A Cat Video Transcript

all the worms really need is a good
they need someone to listen they need
someone to tell them that it's okay to
be a worm it's okay to be feeding on the
intestines the fecal matter trapped in
the intestines of another mammal it's
okay to be a parasite they need this
affirmation they need the problem is how
you reach a worm how do you reach the
mind of a worm how do you communicate
with the parasite need to start with a
very comfortable spot in your home for
your cat preferably a pillow just place
the cat down on the pillow and just
how to deworm a cat
begin cutting the cat help
you want to maybe put in some some some
mellow music a little bit of mellow rock
many a wide variety of parasites respond
70s mood music like Barry Manilow
sometimes a little bit at be stopped
what Bee Gees has been effective
depends on the type of worm if you're
dealing with tapeworm they can be a
little more aggressive and more
resistant so that's when you need to put
on actually take ones like hard rock I
just want to start heading okay gently
how to deworm a cat
and begin speaking to the worms um you
want to start with identifying with
their life situation you want to make
sure your voice can be heard so you may
want to get lift the cat's tail a little
bit and project your voice up into the
cats exit
and it will be before be loving to be
firm maintain your authority and speak
to the norms and tell them that you
acknowledge their place in life you
understand why they're inside your cat
and tell them you you understand and
they don't blame them you must be
how to deworm a cat
warming and they get all the good food
and then you want to change shift the
conversation a little talks all about
how it's good to move forward in life
how it's good to move on because we all
we all find ourselves in situations
where we're more or less dislike
parasites so you're just identify I talk
to the worms about a situation you may
have been in or you're stuck and
couldn't really think for yourself or
feed yourself or anything
and tell them you've been here but once
you feel like you've established a
connection with the world next one it's
how to deworm a cat
time to make your move you'll know that
they're ready to come out when they
start playing peek-a-boo with you you'll
see a lot of worms peeking out and
saying hi and then they disappear light
a candle if you need to keep the mood
going and then when you're ready to make
you live this is what you do when you've
won the trust of the worms
you just know you'll develop a feel for
it you'll just know listen to your
instinct listen to your gut when you
feel that all the worms are ready to
exit take the cat and hold it up with
your left hand hold it by the head and
with your right with your other hand
just start squeezing down on the animal
just like wringing it out downwards just
keep stroking it down and all the worms
will come out you just have to keep
doing it it might take about five
minutes but we've been end up with a
pile of worms on the floor there all day
I'll just look at you they all look up
waiting for more they're like saying
here we are we're ready for a new life
where do we go from here and that's when
you just get the ready if you don't have
any rain just use Windex and just spray
them and they'll take them out in one
and if a tapeworm comes out you can make
jewelry this is a town of you consider
service can you see this this is a
tapeworm that was purged from my cat
about a week ago can you see his little
I this freeze-dried um then I good
friendship bracelets
anyway i just thought i would share that
today you don't need poisons or
chemicals or expensive medications to
treat your cat from worms just use
communication good too

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