How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentages

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentages Video

How To Calculate Weight Loss Percentages Video Transcript

hey my name is Paul barosky and today we
are going to be calculating the gains
and losses in the weights of stocks in
the portfolio and in order to do this I
like to use Excel and the first thing
we're gonna do is we're going to set up
our template if the first step is going
to be to go ahead and put up a title and
the title I chose is calculating the
gain / loss and waste of stocks in the
portfolio the next row we're going to go
ahead and we're going to set up the
headers for each one of our columns for
this one right here I chose stock the
second one symbol third purchase date
how to calculate weight loss percentages
then quantities purchased the initial
purchase price per share initial cost
for each stock current price per share
current market value the gain in loss of
the stock and then also the percent of
portfolio value so what was the
percentage of the stock as compared to
the portfolio next thing we need to do
is we need to identify which stocks we
want to use and how many and so what
I've had done is identify four stocks
that I want to use in the four stocks
are Boeing Disney Walmart and Bank of
America the next column is going to be
symbol and the symbol for Boeing is be a
how to calculate weight loss percentages
Disney D is Walmart WMT and Bank of
America third thing what we want to do
is we want to go ahead and I'm going to
go ahead and set up my cells to accept
the exact values that I want them to
have later on and for example we're
gonna have purchase dates so I want this
formatted to be date
and then also these other cells right
here from d3 to i7 I want these to be in
the comma style for the numbers and then
the last one right here I want this to
be in percentage and I want a couple
decimals behind it so we hit the
percentage and then we click the arrow
how to calculate weight loss percentages
through left to increase the decimals
twice all right so with my temple is set
up now we're going to go ahead we're
gonna go to the purchase date and I'm
seeing that I purchased these stocks
twelve one two 2015 and now we've got to
take this one more time and we've got to
give this Excel a frame of reference
when we want to use a drag feature so
what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna highlight
the two dates here I'm gonna go to the
bottom right and what a drag and it
automatically fills it in for me however
if I didn't do that and I would have
just done the first one
how to calculate weight loss percentages
excellent doesn't have a frame of
reference so it's gonna think that we're
just gonna go by the days and so it just
goes first second third fourth etc
however we don't want that and once we
give it the four we highlight the first
two it gives it a frame of reference on
it and it's going to understand that we
want to continue with the same date when
we drag it down quantities purchase I'm
gonna say that we purchase or I purchase
100 shares of each one of the stocks so
for this one right here I'm going to
type in the hundred for this one and I'm
gonna go to the bottom right and again
how to calculate weight loss percentages
I'm gonna use the drag feature and I'm
gonna highlight everything and pull it
down the initial price the initial price
per share we're gonna say the initial
price per share is $25.50 for Boeing
$13.50 for Disney $10 for Walmart and
1525 for
America next thing what we need to do is
we need to calculate the initial cost to
do the initial cost we're going to go
ahead and we're going to hit the equal
sign we are going to click on the
initial price per share and we're going
to multiply that by the quantity is a
share is purchased and press enter once
how to calculate weight loss percentages
we do that we are going to use a drag
feature again and we're going to pull it
down for the next three the beautiful
feature about Excel with the drag
feature is that Excel understands that
we want to multiply but we won't we
won't multiply but we want to change the
roll so it's going to keep the
multiplication sign the same however is
going to go one down for each row when
we do the dragon and so that does a lot
of work for us next thing we need to do
is we need to identify the current price
per share and now I'm gonna highlight
this in red for the simple fact is that
how to calculate weight loss percentages
this is the only these are the only
cells that we're going to change later
on when we want to update our portfolio
so what we're gonna do here is we're
gonna say the current price per share is
going to be $22.50 for Boeing we're
going to say is going to be $14 for
Disney twelve dollars and 30 cents for
Walmart and Bank of America we're gonna
say is currently selling for $16 once we
do that we can calculate the current
value so what is a value of our stocks
today as compared to a month ago and to
do that we're going to hit the equal
sign we're going to take our price per
how to calculate weight loss percentages
share and we're going to multiply that
by quantities of quantities of shares
purchased hit enter and this gives us
our new market value and we're gonna use
the same feature bottom right hand
corner and we're gonna drag it down and
it's gonna automatically fill in the
other cells and again it knows that we
want to multiply but we just want to
change the world by one and that's
exactly what Excel
does next thing we need to do is we need
to calculate the gains and losses for
each stop please what we're gonna do is
we are going to take our initial or
how to calculate weight loss percentages
current market value and we are going to
subtract from our current market value
how much we paid for it and that's going
to show that we've got a loss of $300
and we want to keep the same formula so
we're going to do the same thing we're
going to drag it down and this shows the
current value and it subtracts from the
current value how much we paid for the
stock and that what's left is our profit
so next thing we're going to do is we
want to know what our total profit is so
we're going to use a sum function or to
some formula in order to do that we're
going to press the equal sign type in
how to calculate weight loss percentages
some open up a parenthesis and then we
are going to highlight the sections that
we want to add together close up the
parentheses hit enter and this shows us
that we have a total profit of 55
dollars next thing what we want to
figure out is what is the percent of
what is a percent for each stock as
compared to the portfolio so for example
how much of how much of my portfolio is
consisted of bone and we can do that by
figuring out on the percentages and to
do that we are going to press our equal
sign actually we're going to hold off on
that for a minute next thing what we're
how to calculate weight loss percentages
going to do is we're going to go ahead
and we're going to use our total feature
but before we do a total feature what
I'd like to do is I'd like to put double
bars below the last number that we are
going to add together so for this right
here we're going to scroll over we get
our double bars and it gives us a nice
clean outline and not only that but it
also tells a user that these numbers are
added or subtracted together
so to use the sum again we're going to
equal sign some open up a parenthesis
and we're gonna highlight the cells we
want to add together close parentheses
how to calculate weight loss percentages
hit enter and then from there we can use
the drag feature again always straight
across one more time pull it all the way
across and we'll actually go a little
more to and also one double bars there
so this shows us the total of how many
shares we've bought total how much total
the initial price was the total
investment that we had and it also gives
us a current the total current share
prices for each stock it also gives us
the current market value which is
important we definitely want to know
that so we'll go ahead and make a
highlight there the next thing we want
to do is we want to figure out what is
the percent of each stock as compared to
the portfolio in order to do that we're
going to press the equal sign and then
we're going to go ahead and click on the
current value of each stock and we're
going to divide the current value of
each stock by the total the total amount
of funds invested in the portfolio we
hit enter and this shows us this is
thirty four point seven two percent of
the portfolio next thing we want to do
is we want to be able to use a drag
feature however if we use the drag
feature feature then this every time we
go down instead of going twenty to fifty
it'll go twenty to fifty and then the
six forty six four eight zero then if I
drag it down what's gonna happen is it's
gonna go to the fourteen hundred but
it's also going to go one lower than the
average the total that we want in order
to avoid that issue we're going to tell
Excel that we want this the second copy
of second cell right here to stay the
same we don't want to move in order to
lock it down we're going to put a dollar
sign in front
of the role and also a dollar sign star
dollar sign from the calm and a dollar
sign in front of the row once we do that
that tells Excel when we drag it do not
move don't move this number right here
and that's what we get and we know this
is correct because it sums that up to
100% and this shows us the percent or
the percent for each stock is compared
to the portfolio the next thing we want
to do is we want to find out the
averages so so what does the average
quantities purchase what are that what's
the average initial price what's the
average and this will cost in order to
do that we are going to use the average
feature so we're going to type in equal
sign average we're going to click an
average and then we're going to go ahead
and we're going to highlight then the
numbers or the cells that we want to
average so we want those four cells
right there average and then we're going
to close our parentheses hit enter so
the average quantities purchases a
hundred and the next thing we're going
to do is again use the drag feature and
we're going to drag it across and this
gives us the average for each one so our
average current market portfolio is 1620
dollars and for this we want to change
this back into a percent so we click on
the percent and then we want to increase
the decimals to and this shows us the
average investment in the portfolio is
25% we know that's true because we only
have four stocks and that's gonna give
us an answer next thing what we want to
do is we want to know what is the
highest value for each one of the stocks
in order to do that we're going to put
the equal sign max open up a parenthesis
and again highlight the cells that we
want to evaluate close the parentheses
and that function right here the
function max is going to return the
maximum value and the reason this is
good to identify is because this can
tell us for this right here what is the
what is the highest dollar amount that
we've invested for a stock and that
tells us is 20 to 15 and we can mediate
identify is Boeing and a next thing what
we have right here is we're gonna switch
this again into the decimal and the
beauty of knowing the highest
percentages is this will tell us you
know where do we have most of our money
in our portfolio and it's thirty four
point seven two so we immediately go up
there and we can identify that it's a
Boeing next thing what we want to do is
we want to figure out what is the lowest
value for each column to do that we're
going to use a min feature and then
we're again we're gonna highlight the
cells you want to evaluate close your
parentheses hit enter and again we're
gonna go to bottom right and we're gonna
drag it over and one more time we're
going to adjust this or take it from the
decimal and we're gonna put in a
percentage form and this tells us what
the lowest percentage is or what's the
lowest number for each each group that
we evaluated and for example right here
what's the lowest initial price that we
paid we know it's ten dollars and we can
immediately go up and identify that it's
Walmart so hopefully this is gonna help
everybody identify and calculate the
gains and losses and figure out what the
way to the portfolio is and have a good

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