How To Abort Baby Video
How To Abort Baby Video Transcript
hi you guys might have recognized mefrom my first epic blog video that's
everybody's talking about there's just
so much set in that movie well yeah
today I'm gonna get a little more
serious I'm ready panda she says hi um
yeah so what I wanted to talk about
today was abortion a topic that can be
sensitive or people can feel really
strong about something you may think oh
yeah and sabor shun ok I'm young I'm
gonna get one yeah I open my legs but
I'm still gonna living my youth which is
reasonable I guess you could say to an
extent but if you're gonna I don't know
sex is an adult thing let's not make it
should be messing with if you're gonna
be doing adult things and you gotta take
adult responsibility for it such as
having a kid and taken care of it you
put yourself in that situation I have a
few Mexican friends that I've got a kid
going out of high school and yeah I
don't know power to them I think because
they're able to grow up that's such a
huge responsibility that's put on them
and they realize what they did what they
were getting into and they're going to
be the responsible parent that they
should be which is I'm really proud of
them where I stand I believe I'm in
between I'm neutral why because I don't
know a lot of people say that's
murdering someone that's killing a live
off which is true but if it's below or
before I don't know which ages second or
third I don't know don't ask me was
never good at geometry but you gotta if
it's done before that then all right the
only reason how I would be able to
accept an abortion to give a guess is if
the person was raped now I say that
because for you if you're a female
watching this if you were raped and you
happen to be you got pregnant off of
that your victim of rape what would you
do with the kid would you keep it would
you aboard you know I don't know me if I
had a vagina I don't think I'd be able
to keep the kid I mean it's a really
hard situation like giving birth seeing
that baby come out usually you want
tears of joy not tears of oh my god this
is the guy son or daughter who raped me
and got me in this situation possibly
could have fucked up your whole life now
i want to say bait I'll baby see that
you know some people want kids it
happens unexpectedly I don't know
sometimes I could just pop up at the
Virgin Mary you tell me but I wouldn't
be able to put up with that knowing that
every time I see this kid and was I feed
it whatever knowing that the reason or
who this kid really belongs to its
together that traumatized me and brought
something very scurrying in my life
there are other ways out of that you can
have the kid and you can give it up for
adoption I don't know if that's going to
be harder for you knowing that it came
out of you and it actually is your kid
as well but just choose either route I
don't know like I said it's a hard to
which for everybody me being a fellow
lower-class Mexican as we are defined in
society my mom always told me know
you're not supposed to bore it that's
acts with the devil so I don't know all
of us other mexicans out there can
relate believe that that's not an arm
religion so we're Catholic or I'm
Catholic I don't really follow it but
you know it was shoved down my throat
growing up so that's what I was raised
with my mother once shared a deep store
with me saying that she wanted to abort
one time and she wasn't raped and it's
been like that just the fact that it was
her third kid coming out and I happen to
be the third so she went in to an
abortion clinic and yeah i'm standing
here so i didn't wasn't successful I'm
just kidding my mom would never do that
to me she loves me that bitch now you
may be pro or con for this topic but i
don't know what i want to know is what
you guys think about it and how things
should be done you can comment right
below everybody you know it's a
discussion board everybody respond to
somebody like this leg thumbs up thumbs
down whatever to their comments not the
video make sure you I'm it up I don't
know I guess what i want to say is
abortion it's a hard thing and also just
be safe up there females and males you
know it's not only hard for women that
they can get pregnant i believe last
year something there was something on
the news some guy getting pregnant I
don't know probably transgender I don't
know um but in the homosexual world yeah
we're not able to get pregnant but we
can get we have a higher chance of
getting HIV or stds and so can you
ladies so just wrap it up please don't
you don't want to see yourself the
clinic all the time and you know just
live life take it easy be safe about it
all right love you guys fan me subscribe
like the facebook page usually I do I'm
out you wouldn't hurt to use a dental
dam it looks a little something like