How To Learn A Language Fast

How To Learn A Language Fast Video

How To Learn A Language Fast Video Transcript

Hey guys!
Welcome back to my channel, or if you're new here, my name is Olivia
I'm 19 years old and I am French and currently living in Germany!
In today's video, I want to share with you my experience while learning German.
Pretty often I am asked, how come I can speak German?
How come I can speak so many languages?
First of all, I didn't want to learn German, I wanted to learn Danish
Because Denmark is the country where the people is the most happy
However, that turned out difficult.
Thus, I decided to go for German and I really started to be liking it
Then, I went last summer on a language trip with EF, and ever since then
I haven't stopped to improve my knowledge of the language.
This is my second trip to Germany.
I am currently in Lower-Saxony and the first time I was in Bayern.
I've been here since 3 weeks and I'm staying 3 more weeks.
how to learn a language fast
And I really like it.
Also, during this year which has separated my two trips, I continued to practice
the language.
I will now share with you 5 tips and tricks on how to learn any language.
1st tip
You muss learn a language because you want it, and because you like it.
You will never make progress on the long term if you do not like what you are doing.
2nd tip
You must get in touch with the local culture, by for instance
reading newspapers.
I have made researches and started to read Der Spiegel everyday, then my vocabulary
and my knowledge of the german political system improved.
3rd tip
You must watch videos, films, read books and listen to music in your targeted language.
I really like Cro, he is a german rapper
how to learn a language fast
I really like it.
So, listen to music, watch films & videos, youtubes... and so on
4th tip
Write in a notebook every new word that you come accross
for instance, this is my notebook for German.
And ever since I have started to learn German, i have been writing in it.Not ALWAYS be often.
There is for instance Thus, notebooks and vocabulary are important.
5th tip
Of course, get in touch with people who speak this language.
I have made really good German friends, for instance through the game League of Legends.
Please don't judge me.
Alright, that's it for today's video.
I hope that you enjoyed it, and that you've learned some things.
Of course, if you've liked this video don't forget to leave a comment down below
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how to learn a language fast
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